Deloitte's full company name is...
What is Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL)?
A ___ can be submitted in DISS when supplemental information needs to be provided, an error needs to be corrected (rectify), or to make an adjudicative determination, etc.
What is a CSR?
What is a giraffe?
The capital of China is...
Harry Potter was written by this author...
Who is J. K. Rowling?
Deloitte's iconic logo and instantly recognizable symbol is called the...
What is the Green Dot?
This word is the final step in the security clearance process. It is the decision the sponsoring federal agency makes about granting clearance eligibility.
What is an adjudication?
The only fruit with seeds on the outside is...
What is a strawberry?
This country has the most natural lakes.
What is Canada?
This movie star is killed off in the opening scene of Scream.
Who is Drew Barrymore?
The founder of Deloitte is...
Who is William Welch Deloitte?
SAC stands for...
What is Special Agreement Check?
What is Acrophobia?
The smallest country in the world is...
This movie was incorrectly announced as the winner of Best Picture at the 2017 Academy Awards, during one of the greatest Oscars flubs of all time.
What is La La Land?
What is London, England?
What is FIT (Facility & Information Technology) Search?
The rarest blood type is...
What is AB negative?
True or False: The Great Wall of China can be seen from space?
What is false?
The first feature-length animated movie ever released was...
What is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?
The year Deloitte was founded
What is 1845?
Another name for a DD 254 is the...
What is the Contract Security Classification Specification?
There are this many bones in the adult human body
What is 206?
Japan, Italy, California, Greece, and Costa Rica are home to the five places where people live the longest, known as the...
What is the "Blue Zones"?
This movie is the highest-grossing movie of all time (when not taking inflation into account).
What is Avatar?