Heart beats fast, butterflies or a pit in stomach, muscles are tense, teeth clenched, really tired or can't fall asleep, feeling shaky, mind racing, unable to pay attention/focus
How does stress affect your body?
What is one strategy that we used to help us face a fear?
Fear Ladder
What is Mrs. Cree most afraid of OTHER than snakes!
Dentist, worms, anything scary
Great strategy to help stop a panic attack!
holding ice
True or False: Yelling at my best friend is the best way to reduce stress
FALSE...give a better coping strategy
When you have a problem and then have an automatic negative thought what can you do?
Come up with a Helpful Other THought
What is the opposite of HOT seat thoughts?
Name 2 of the Common Reactions to Stress
1.Nightmares/trouble sleeping
2. Thinking about it all the time
3. Trying not to think about it
4. Avoiding places, people, or things that make you think about it
5. Feeling scared for no reason
6. Feeling "crazy" or out of control
7. Not being able to remember parts of what happened
8. having trouble concentration
9. jumping when there is a loud noise
10. Feeling anger, shame, sadness and/or guilt
11. Having physical symptoms (headaches, stomach aches)
Name at least 2 mindfulness activities we practiced during YOUR stressbusters group
Mindful Eating
Ice cube
Hot Cocoa Breathing
Belly breathing with a plushy
5 4 3 2 1
When something bad happens is it better to talk about it or avoid it?
Much better to find a safe person and talk about it. The more we talk about it the less scary or upsetting we become.
Is this a HOT seat thought
"Im going to fail the PACER test!"
No this is a negative thought....name a HOT seat thought for this.
True or False
Not wanting to think or talk about your problem is one of the common reactions to stress.
This is natural since it is upsetting to think about past stress or trauma and it can make you feel all sorts of emotions.; Avoiding it makes things easier but only for a little while. It's important to digest what happened sooner or later.
What are the three parts to the triangle
(draw one on the board)
What is a question to ask to challenge this negative thought? "Nobody likes me."
Is there another way to look at this? Is there anything I can do about it? How do I know this is true?
Mrs. Gentile's favorite coping strategy is something she makes sure to have every morning! What is it?
Drinking Diet Coke! (extra credit if you say McDonalds)
How does sharing our stressful story with trusted people make us feel better?
What was your special treat for making it to the halfway mark?
Why can avoiding problems be harmful?
We miss out on activities, people, and things that are a part of daily life, and it can make you feel more anxious/stressed.