Benefits of
Cloud Computing
Definition of Cloud Computing
Regions and Availability Zones
Provisioning Resources and Use Cases

Which of the following are benefits of the AWS cloud?  Select two.

1. Fast resource provisioning

2. AWS will build your applications

3. Outsource risk

4. Total control over the data center

5. Going global quickly

1. Fast resource provisioning

5. Going global quickly


Which cloud  computing model is likely to give you the most control over your  infrastructure? 

1. IaaS

2. PaaS

3. SaaS

4. DBaaS

1. IaaS


Which statement is TRUE for the AWS global infrastructure?

1. A Region consists of a single Availability Zone

2. An Availability Zone consists of two or more Regions

3. A Region consists of two or more Availability Zones

4. An Availability Zone consists of a single Region

3. A Region consists of two or more Availability Zones


A large company is interested in avoiding long-term contracts and moving from fixed costs to variable costs. What is the value proposition of AWS for this company?

1. Economies of scale

2. Pay-as-you-go pricing

3. Volume pricing discounts

4. Automated cost optimization

2. Pay-as-you-go pricing


How does AWS assist companies with capacity requirements?

1. At AWS you only pay for what you use

2. You don’t need to guess capacity needs

3. With AWS you don’t pay for data centers

4. You don’t own the infrastructure

2. You don’t need to guess capacity needs


What are TWO advantages of cloud computing in general?

1. Pay capital costs rather than operating costs

2. Benefit from economies of scale

3. Secure data centers

4. Increased speed and agility

5. Reduced risk

2. Benefit from economies of scale

4. Increased speed and agility


Which is NOT a characteristic of hybrid deployment? 

1. Parts of the application on public cloud and parts on private cloud 

2. It may be more complex to manage

3. Parts of the application on public cloud and parts on premise

4. This is the AWS recommended deployment model

4. This is the AWS recommended deployment model


Which statement best describes an Availability Zone?

1. A geographical area that contains AWS resources

2. A single data center or group of data centers within a Region

3. A data center that an AWS service uses to perform service-specific operations

4. A service that you can use to run AWS infrastructure within your own on-premises data center in a hybrid approach 

2. A single data center or group of data centers within a Region


Which action can you perform with AWS Outposts?

1. Automate actions for AWS services and applications through scripts

2. Access wizards and automated workflows to perform tasks in AWS services

3. Develop AWS applications in supported programming languages

4. Extend AWS infrastructure and services to your on-premises data center

4. Extend AWS infrastructure and services to your on-premises data center


Which statement best describes Amazon CloudFront

1. A service that enables you to run infrastructure in a hybrid cloud approach

2. A serverless compute engine for containers

3. A service that enables you to send and receive messages between software components through a queue

4. A global content delivery service

4. A global content delivery service


Your CTO wants to move to cloud. What cost advantages are there to moving to cloud?

1. You provision only what you need and adjust to peak load

2. You can reduce your marketing costs

3. You don’t need to pay for application licensing

4. You get free data transfer into and out of the cloud

1. You provision only what you need and adjust to peak load


In the AWS cloud, maintaining server operating systems is: 

1. Never done by the AWS customer

2. Always done by the AWS customer

3. Faster

4. Necessary depending on your deployment



4. Necessary depending on your deployment


Which site does Amazon CloudFront use to cache copies of content for faster delivery to users  at any location?

1. Region

2. Availability Zone

3. Edge Location

4. Origin

3. Edge Location


Which AWS tools can be used for automation? (Select TWO)

1. AWS Elastic Beanstalk

2. Elastic Load Balancing

3. AWS CloudFormation

4. Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)

5. AWS Lambda

1. AWS Elastic Beanstalk

3. AWS CloudFormation 

Explanation: AWS Elastic Beanstalk and AWS CloudFormation are both examples of automation. Beanstalk is a platform service that leverages the automation capabilities of CloudFormation to build out application architectures.


A company is deploying a new workload and software licensing requirements dictate that the workload must be run on a specific, physical server. Which Amazon EC2 instance deployment option should be used?

1. Dedicated Instances

2. Spot Instances

3. Reserved Instances

4. Dedicated Hosts

4. Dedicated Hosts

Explanation: An Amazon EC2 Dedicated Host is a physical server fully dedicated for your use, so you can help address corporate compliance requirements. Amazon EC2 Dedicated Hosts allow you to use your eligible software licenses from vendors such as Microsoft and Oracle on Amazon EC2, so that you get the flexibility and cost effectiveness of using your own licenses, but with the resiliency, simplicity and elasticity of AWS.


What are TWO advantages of AWS over legacy IT deployments? 

1. AWS takes over responsibility for your application being available

2. Costs will always be lower

3. Can develop software faster

4. SaaS is always best

5. Don’t need to worry about provisioning hardware

3. Can develop software faster

5. Don’t need to worry about provisioning hardware 


Which of the below  is an example of an architectural benefit of moving to the cloud?

1. Elasticity

2. Monolithic services

3. Proprietary hardware

4. Vertical scalability

1. Elasticity

Explanation: A key architectural benefit of moving to the cloud is that you get elasticity. This means your applications can scale as demand increases and scale back as demand decreases. This reduces cost as you only pay for what you use, when you need it.


Which factors should be considered when selecting a Region? (Select TWO)

1. Compliance with data governance and legal requirements

2. Proximity to your customers

3. Access to 24/7 technical support

4. Ability to assign custom permissions to different users

5. Access to the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI)

1. Compliance with data governance and legal requirements

2. Proximity to your customers


A website has a global customer base and users have reported poor performance when connecting to the site. Which AWS service will improve the customer experience by reducing latency?

1. AWS Direct Connect

2. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling

3. Amazon CloudFront

4. Amazon ElastiCache 

3. Amazon CloudFront

Explanation: Amazon CloudFront is a fast content delivery network (CDN) service that securely delivers data, videos, applications, and APIs to customers globally with low latency, high transfer speeds, all within a developer-friendly environment.


A user is planning to launch three EC2 instances behind a single Elastic Load Balancer. The deployment should be highly available.

1. Launch the instances across multiple Availability Zones in a single AWS Region

2. Launch the instances as EC2 Spot Instances in the same AWS Region and the same Availability Zone

3. Launch the instances in multiple AWS Regions, and use Elastic IP addresses

4. Launch the instances as EC2 Reserved Instances in the same AWS Region, but in different Availability Zones

1. Launch the instances across multiple Availability Zones in a single AWS Region

Explanation: To make the deployment highly available the user should launch the instances across multiple Availability Zones in a single AWS Region. Elastic Load Balancers can only serve targets in a single Region so it is not possible to deploy across Regions.


Which one of these advantages of Cloud Computing is not correct, according to AWS?

1. Public cloud response time

2. Replace capital expense with variable expense

3. Stopping guessing about capacity

4. Increase speed and agility

5. Benefit from economies of scale

6. Go global in minutes

1. Public cloud response time


Which of the following statements best describes the concept of agility in relation to cloud computing on AWS? (Select TWO)

1. The speed at which AWS rolls out new features

2. The ability to experiment quickly

3. The elimination of wasted capacity

4. The ability to automatically scale capacity

5. The speed at which AWS resources can be created

2. The ability to experiment quickly

5. The speed at which AWS resources can be created

Explanation: In a cloud computing environment, new IT resources are only a click away, which means that you reduce the time to make those resources available to your developers from weeks to just minutes. This results in a dramatic increase in agility for the organization, since the cost and time it takes to experiment and develop is significantly lower.


What are the advantages of Availability Zones? (Select TWO)

1. They allow regional disaster recovery

2. They are connected by low-latency network

3. They enable you to connect your on-premise network to AWS

4. They provide fault isolation

5. They enable the caching of data for faster delivery to end users 

2. They are connected by low-latency network

4. They provide fault isolation


A company is  deploying an application on Amazon EC2 that requires low-latency access to  application components in an on-premises data center. Which AWS service or resource can the company use to extend their existing VPC to the on-premises data center?

1. Amazon Connect

2. AWS Outposts

3. AWS Direct Connect

4. Amazon Workspaces

2. AWS Outposts

Explanation: AWS Outposts is a fully managed service that offers the same AWS infrastructure, AWS services, APIs, and tools to virtually any datacenter, co-location space, or on-premises facility for a truly consistent hybrid experience.


Which AWS services are associated with Edge Locations? (Select TWO)

1. Amazon CloudFront

2. AWS Direct Connect

3. AWS Shield

4. Amazon EBS

5. AWS Config

1. Amazon CloudFront

3. AWS Shield

Explanation: Edge Locations are parts of the Amazon CloudFront content delivery network (CDN) that are all around the world and are used to get content closer to end-users for better performance. AWS Shield which protects against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks is available globally on Amazon CloudFront Edge Locations.
