what word is paired with the definition of "A response to perceived threats, which may result in hiding, cowering, or defensive aggression."?
What stress indicator Indicates uncertainty or mild excitement, without aggression.
Slow tail wag
What word is paired with the definition "The process of introducing a dog to various people, animals, environments, and situations to help them become well-adjusted and comfortable in different settings." ?
what stress indicator relates to The dog may try to flee or escape the situation frantically.
panic of frantic escaping
How many stomachs does cattle have?
1!! (four different comparments)
What word is paired with the definition "Rewarding a dog for desired behaviors to encourage repetition of those actions."?
Positive reinforcement
what stress indicator indicates A sign of discomfort, but the dog is not yet reacting aggressively.
tail tucked or low
What word is paired with the definition "Gradually reinforcing successive approximations of a desired behavior, often used in training complex behaviors."
what stress indicator relates to High-pitched vocalizations often signal that the dog is in severe distress.
excessive whining or screaming
What is osteosarcoma
(HINT: break down the word!)
What word is often paired with the definition "Hostile behavior that can include growling, snapping, or biting. Often related to fear, territorial instincts, or protection of resources."?
what stress indicator is Often a sign of mild stress or anxiety.
lip licking
What word is pared with the defininition "A behavioral technique used to change a dog’s emotional response to a stimulus (like fear or aggression)."
Counter- Conditioning
what stress indicator relates to excessive panting or drooling can indicate extreme stress, fear, or discomfort.
heavy panting and drooling
what diseases does the FVRCP protect a cat from?
feline viral rhinotracheitis(feline herpes), calicivirus, feline panleukopenia (feline distemper)
What word often paired with the definition "A state of nervousness or fear, which can lead to behaviors like pacing, whining, or excessive panting."?
what stress indicator relates to the dog may retreat to a safe spot to calm down, under a chair etc.
hiding or seeking shelter
What word is paired with the definition " A type of positive reinforcement training that uses a click sound to mark the desired behavior." ?
Clicker Training
what stress indicator relates to The dog’s body becomes tense and stiff, often signaling imminent aggression or severe anxiety.
Rigid posture (stiffness)
what diseases does the DAPP vaccine cover dogs from?
canine distemper, canine adenovirus, canine parainfluemza, canine parvovirus
What word is paired with the definition "Protecting objects such as food, toys, or other items, often seen through growling or snapping when approached."?
Resource guarding
what stress indicator Can indicate mild nervousness, or an attempt to self-soothe.
What word is paired with the definition "When a dog’s behavior moves from warning signs (like growling) to more intense actions (like snapping or biting)." ?
what stress indicator relates to The fur along the dog’s back may stand up when they are highly aroused or aggressive.
raised hackles
Name 3 of or more of the groups of dogs
\ sporting, non-sporting, terrier, toy, hound, working, herding