What is the smallest dog breed?
The Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed.
What was the breed of the famous cartoon dog, Scooby Doo?
This character was a Great Dane.
In 2020, what was the most popular dog name?
Bella was the most popular dog name
What percentage of all dogs actually sleep in their owners’ bed?
45 percent of dogs sleep in bed with their owner.
What is a group of puppies called?
A group of puppies is called a litter.
What is the most popular breed of dog in the United States?
Labrador Retrievers are the most popular breed in the US.
What is the fastest breed of dog?
The Greyhound is the fastest breed of dog.
Normal adult dogs have how many teeth?
A fully grown, adult dog has 42 permanent teeth. However, puppies usually have 28 teeth.
What is the most common training command taught to dogs?
Sit is the most common training command taught to dogs.
What was the favorite dog breed of the Queen Elizabeth II?
The queen has owned many Corgis and is one of the longest-established breeders of Pembroke Corgis in the world.
What sense are puppies born without?
Puppies are born without their hearing.
What is the breed of Barack Obama’s dog?
Obama has a Portuguese Water Dog.
What is the world’s most popular dog breed?
Labradors are the most popular breed in the world.
What is a dog’s most highly developed sense?
Smell is a dog’s most highly developed sense.
Which animal has the most tastebuds – dogs or cats?
Dogs have more taste buds than cats. However, they have less than humans.
Which dog yodels instead of barks?
The Basenji makes a strange noise, which is similar to a yodel.
Which breed was once known as St. John’s Newfoundland?
The Labrador Retriever was once known by this name.
Which dog breed has a black tongue? A Husky, Poodle, or Chow Chow?
Chow Chows are most prone to having black tongues.
Which dog breed can you get in either Standard, Miniature, or Toy sizes?
Poodles come in these three sizes.
In the Simpsons, the family looks after a dog called Santa’s Little Helper. What breed of dog is Santa’s Little Helper?
Their dog is a Greyhound.