This term first appeared in 1984 to describe this hobby.
What is cosplay?
Too hot for your hair, but just right for foam.
What is a heat gun?
A seat for needles and other pointed pieces.
What is a pin cushion?
Not to rip someone off, but in this context the full name for a 'con.'
What is a convention?
This fandom from a popular 60s franchise is credited with popularizing cosplay in America.
What is Star Trek?
A measurement of how tough and determined you are. Or how tough and determined sandpaper is at its job instead.
What is grit?
Holds wound fabrics, strings, or other long thin material for later use.
What is a bobbin/spool?
You'll want to find a set of these in order to cosplay as your favorite martial artists.
What is a gi/keikogi/dogi?
The iron that help to bond metal together, mostly used for small electronics such as LED's.
What is a soldering iron?
This tool is your "reset" button. Use it wisely.
What is a seam ripper?
Best recognized for the holiday it's named after, you're sure to find a budget costume or supplies in a pinch here.
What is Spirit Halloween?
Not a shoulder-piece to cry on, but provides great protection as the successor to spaulders.
What is a pauldron?
The template to start any tailoring project.
What is a pattern?
From the "Anbu" to Urokodaki-sensei, the devious cover-up puts a certain face to the cosplay name.
What is an Oni Mask?
The first convention people dressed up in costumes to attend.
(The name of the convention or the year is acceptable.)
What is Worldcon/1939?
While used as a common 'core' for prop swords and spears, the material has versatility as a rod, rope, tape, and more.
What is fiberglass?
The first modern electric sewing machine brand introduced in 1889.
What is Singer?
A themed party of sorts, but also known as a more relaxed category in cosplay competitions.
What is a 'Masquerade'?