UNICEF in Syria Pt.1
UNICEF in Syria Pt. 2
UNICEF General Info.
Syria and Turkey Fun Facts

What do the white crescent moon and star symbolize on the Turkish flag?

The Turkish flag borrows its design from the Ottomans. The crescent and star are often associated with Islam.


According to the video what buildings are being repurposed as shelters?



In which season did the devastating earthquake strike parts of Syria and Turkey?

The earthquake hit during the winter. Temperatures have reached nightly lows as cold as 0 degrees Celsius.


What does UNICEF stand for?

United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, now shorted to United Nations Children's Fund


What is the capital city of Syria?

The capital city of Syria is Damascus


The color red on the Turkish and Syrian flags are representative of what?

Blood shed

Turkey: The blood shed to gain independence from European powers or the blood shed during the Kosovo war.

Syria: The bloody struggle for freedom and the Hashemite Dynasty.


What was the magnitude of the earthquake that hit Syria and Turkey?

The eartquake struck with a magnitude of 7.8


Name a way that UNICEF is helping the families of Syria and Turkey that has not been addressed in a prior question.

UNICEF is creating clean water stations, providing food, education, warm blankets and kits, shelter, etc.


How many years has it been since UNICEF was founded? (Hint: think World War II)

77 years in 2023!


What is the capital city of Turkey?

The capital city of Turkey is Ankara


What does the white stripe on the Syrian flag stand for?

The white stripe stands for peace and a bright future. It also represents the Umayyad Dynasty.


As we saw in the video, even before the earthquakes, Syria needed humanitarian aid. Estimate around how many kids in Syria needed this aid (in millions).

More than 6.5 million kids still needed humanitarian aid before the earthquakes struck.


In which country(ies) are donations not freely accepted through the government?

Due to Syria's civil war, donations that are not approved by the Syrian regime are not accepted.


Why was UNICEF first founded

UNICEF was founded by the United Nations after the devastating effects of World War II. It sought to provide aid and relief to children and others in need.


How long has the Syrian "president" served?

The Syrian president, Bashar Hafez al-Assad, has served for 22 year and has served as the 19th president since July 17, 2000.


What does the black stripe on the Syrian flag represent?

The black stripe represents the opression faced by Arabs during colonialism.


According to the video, what disease is UNICEF working on providing vaccination for in Syria?

UNICEF has helped to vaccinate 1.5 million children against Measles.


At what date and time did the earthquake strike?

The earthquake struck on February 6, 2023, at 4:17 am.


What are the three largest government donors of UNICEF?

United States of America, Germany and the European Union..


How many UNESCO World Heritage Sites doe Turkey claim?

Turkey has 19 UNESCO World Heritage sites.


What do the two green stars represent on the Syrian flag?


The stars stand for the Fatimid dynasty with one star standing for Egypt and one for Syria.


According to the video, UNICEF and its sister UN agencies have asked for how much money to meet needs in Syria, the largest humanitarian appeal in history?

4.4 billion dollars


what was the second largest magnitude earthquake that struck Syria and Turkey in February?

a 7.5 magnitude earthquake


Where are UNICEF headquarters located?

New York City.


How many UNESCO World Heritage sites does Syria claim?

Syria has 6 UNESCO World Heritage sites. They are the Ancient City of Damascus; Site of Palmyra; Ancient City of Bosra; Ancient City of Aleppo; Crac des Chevaliers and Qal’at Salah El-Din; and the Ancient Villages of Northern Syria.
