Dingos are actually closely related to these dogs.
What is a New Guinea Singing Dog?
Dogs have these, but NGSD's do not.
What are dew claws?
Carolina Dogs are sometimes known by this name, although they aren't related to the Australian counterpart.
What is American Dingo?
This breed is used for hauling big loads over short distances.
What is an Alaskan Malamute?
These dogs were once kept by Natives in Canada, but now they are extinct.
What are Tahltan Bear Dogs?
This is what a dingo will eat.
What is "just about anything"?
In the wild, NGSD's eat these.
What are fruits, rodents, and birds?
Carolina Dogs are still found in the wild in this part of the US.
Where is Georgia/South Carolina border?
This breed was named after the Sami people who kept them as pets.
What are Samoyeds?
These Eastern European dogs are internationally known for their fierce protection of livestock.
What are Carpathian Shepherd Dogs?
The Australian government erected these to keep dingos away from livestock.
What are fences?
NGSD's come into their cycle this many times during a year.
What is once a year?
Carolina Dogs first came to North America when they crossed this former land bridge.
What is the Bering Land Bridge?
It might not be a good idea to keep smaller pets around this breed if you decide to have one.
What is a Finnish Spitz?
These dogs are used as watchdogs, policedogs, and companions, among other things.
What are German Shepherds?
Dingos usually don't do this unless they are warning others in their pack.
What is barking?
If you can't own a NGSD you can readily find them here.
What is a zoo?
Carolina Dogs bond with this member of their human family.
What are children?
Do not get this dog breed if you are not active or play sports.
What is Norwegian Buhund?
These dogs make great watchdogs and are very protective of the children in their families.
What are Rottweilers?
Dingo attacks on humans are rare, but they usually occur when humans do this.
What is feeding them?
This is the NGSD's scientific name.
What is Canis Hallstromi?
Typically Carolina Dogs come in this color.
What is ginger?
These are great hunting and herding dogs.
What is a Norwegian Elkhound?
Lassie is the most famous of these.
What are Rough Collies?