This youtuber decided to give Ricegum a taste of his own medicine in his series Content Cop
This flavor of cookie has been a staple of the American Household and is the most popular item on the Crumbl Cookie menu
Chocolate Chip Cookie
Left Right Left Up Down (Infinite Warfare)
David Hasselhoff
This Shakespearean play, brought audiences a whole new meaning of love in this 1996 film. Oddly enough the swords were replaced with guns.
Romeo and Juliet
This woman was a sight to behold on I35. Her face was plastered on a billboard eventually being replaced by her sister.
Morgan Kuchenmeister
This diss track released in 2024 and became a meme quickly after. This diss track called out Drake as a Certified Pedophile
Not Like Us
This staple at Crumbl includes almond and vanilla. It's colorful name alludes to its flavor.
Classic Pink Sugar
O O L1 O O O L1 L2 R1 Triangle O Triangle. (GTA V)
Buzzard Spawn
This play is more popular for its movie adaptation featuring Jack Nicholson. Theater fans had a hard time handling that truth.
A Few Good Men
This woman allegedly like Chris Gay. That is, according to him.
This diss track that never released featured many of the dole dippers targeting another dole dipper!
Daniel Diss Track
This flavor is extremely popular breaking the top ten flavors at Crumbl according to Cozymeal. This flavor is actually what cookies are made out of.
/gamemode 1 (Minecraft)
Enter Creative Mode
This 1996 film saw audiences taken back to the Salem witch trials. The film is based on the play originally written by Arthur Miller
The Crucible
This Booze Brother's girlfriend allegedly ended up cheating on him. Her pool was a common local for the True Homiez
Grace Sieber
This diss track featured KSI being called out as John Snow, better tame your ego.
Bend the Knee
This country inspired cookie is a cake themed cookie at Crumbl. This cookie cake is topped with caramel coconut Frosting
German Chocolate Cake
A B A C A B B (Mortal Kombat)
Blood Code
Joel Coen of the Coen Brothers directed this Shakespeare tragedy in 2021 to critical success. The film sees Denzel Washington as the lead actor
The Tragedy of MacBeth
This woman was allegedly spanked by Mr Porter using his clipboard
Ella Pedrys
Joey Salads dropped a diss track on this popular Youtuber known for his reporting on current events.
This Spanish inspired cookie flavor literally translates to candy milk. Otherwise known as caramel.
Dulce de Leche
VVV429 (Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga)
Ghost Yoda Unlock
This 2001 comedy was originally a musical play. It had audiences wondering if it was "gay or European?"
Legally Blonde
This woman failed her drivers test because she couldn't point to where her emergency brake was.
Rylie Olsen