You should wash you hands before... (name 2 actions)
preparing food, eating, caring for someone else, treating a wound
Sing/hum this song from beginning to end twice as a timer for hand washing.
happy birthday
Medications you can get without a prescription
over the counter
If there is a * by your name on the nursing board, this is needed
You should wash your hands after... (name 4 actions)
preparing food, caring for someone who is sick, treating a wound, using restroom, blowing nose, coughing, sneezing, touching animals, touching garbage.
Use this device to assist in organization of medication doses
Medication Cassette
When are you expected to wear your mask?
At all times, (only exception is while eating/drinking, and in room alone)
You must receive one of these before leaving the Dom/entering other VA buildings
COVID screening sticker
If you are medication level I, how do you get your medications
go to medication room at ordered times
Before leaving the pharmacy, you should do this with your medications.
Check that the medications are correct
This can be found on credit cards, cell phones, and money due to improper hand hygiene (besides "germs")
fecal matter
It is vital to do this with old or unwanted medications
dispose of properly, consult nursing
If you are medication level III, how do you take your medications
Independently - you have all scheduled medications in your room
Before taking a new medication, you should ask your doctor this.
what it's for, side effects, interactions
You bought medications from the Canteen, what should you do with them?
Bring them to nursing, they must be verified with your provider first.
When opening the restroom door after washing your hands, use this to prevent recontamination
paper towel
If you take a medication and start experiencing side effects, how long should you wait to tell the nurse?
Dont wait. Tell them ASAP
what does "titrating" or "tapering" mean
adjusting medication doses up or down.
You should ask for this BEFORE you run out of medications
COVID symptoms (name 3)
cough, sore throat, nausea, diarrhea, congestion, fever
These medications must be picked up from med room, no matter what level you are on.
PRN, as needed
Medication level II - what does that mean?
Daily or Weekly cassette fill with nursing, semi-independent