1- Colonial Regions
2-Life in the Colonies
3-Trouble in the Colonies
4- Revolutionary War
5- Setting up Government

In the idea of Trans-Atlantic Trade, this area is sending raw materials to England and receiving slaves from Africa.

What are the colonies?


These are the 3 main religious groups that settled in the colonies.  2 in Massachusetts and 1 in Pennsylvania. 

Who are the Puritans, Pilgrims, and Quakers?


This Act passed by England did not allow colonists to expand west past the Appalachian Mountains.  It was ignored by the colonists.

What is the Proclamation of 1763?


He was primary author of the Declaration of Independence.  

Who was Thomas Jefferson?


Shay's Rebellion proved this first attempt of Government was too weak because there was not a strong central government to put the rebellion down.

What is Articles of Confederation?


This colonial region is best known for rich fertile soil, extremely hot summers, long growing seasons, and is best suited for agriculture.

What are the Southern Colonies?


This is type of self governance located in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, home to the Puritans.

What are town meetings?


To pay for the debt of the French and Indian War, England passed a series of these on the colonists.

What are taxes/acts?


Victory in this battle secured an alliance with France that ultimately helped win the war for the Americans.

What is Saratoga?


This plan presented at the Constitutional Convention would favor small states, where each state would have an equal vote regardless of size.

What is the New Jersey Plan?


This is the first permanent English settlement in the American colonies.

What is Jamestown?


Architecture like shotgun houses, language/culture like Gullah, and food like watermelon and okra were all contributions of this group of people in the colonies.

Who were Africans?


This group actively protested Acts imposed on colonists through events like "tarring and feathering" and the Boston Tea Party.

Who are the Sons of Liberty?


George Washington demonstrated his leadership at this location by having Baron Von Steuben and Marquis De Lafayette train his soldiers despite horrible conditions.  They came out of the winter prepared to meet the English on the Battle field.

Where is Valley Forge?


This settled the debate between delegates about representation.  The House of Representatives would be based on population and the Senate would be based on equal representation.  It also included the 3/5 Compromise which said for every 5 slaves, 3 would count for representation purposes.

What is the Great Compromise?


This rebellion started because the government was not protecting settlers outside the city walls from Native American attacks.

What is Bacon's Rebellion?


This time period is characterized by England not paying close attention to what was going on in the colonies, which the colonists enjoyed.

What is Salutary Neglect?


This Author's Common Sense made arguments on why the colonies should break away from England.

Who is Thomas Paine?


Geography was important in this final battle of the Revolutionary War.  Cornwallis was surrounded on the land, and blockaded by the French in the sea.

Where is Yorktown?


This group of people were supportive of a strong central Government.  Roll Call....Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, James Madison.

Who are the Federalists?


This was the first form of representative government in the colonies located in the Virginia Colony.

What is House of Burgesses?


This religious movement in the colonies emphasized not relying on religious authority and making a more personal faith.  Questioning authority....sounds like a sign of things to come.

What is the Great Awakening?


These "shots heard around the world" were the first shots of the Revolutionary War.

What are Lexington and Concord?


This Treaty officially ended the Revolutionary War, granting America its Independence and setting the Western boundary at the Mississippi River.

What is the Treaty of Paris, 1783.


These first ten amendments guaranteed the protection of rights of the citizens.

What are the Bill of Rights?
