Finklestein tests for?
De Quervain's syndrome
A patient's chief complaint is numbness just lateral and superior of the patella. Which dermatome is affected?
what condition is characterized by rapid/ shallow respirations w/ occasional deep sighs?
Golfers elbow?
inflammation of the medial epicondyle
Ankle impingement syndrome is common in what athletes?
Football players, baseball catchers, Basketball players, dancers (those who hold in dorsiflexion)
Which anatomical component has been injured when a patient has jersey finger?
Flexor digitorum profundus tendon
What nerve could be injured if the patient has trouble chewing?
A patient appears to have pharyngitis. How can the athletic trainer determine whether the pharyngitis is viral or bacterial?
Patients with viral infections will have rhinorrhea, conjunctivitis, and a cough
_____ bursitis is most common running induced bursitis
What is Tietze syndrome?
Costochondritis- usually 2nd and 3rd
Which tests are positive for biceps tendinitis?
Speed's test, Yergason's test, Hawkin's test, and Neer's test
What dermatome area covers the medial humerus?
Athlete prone, passively dorsiflex ankle while palpating proximal calf, (+) pain in calf during palpitation/ on dorsiflexion of ankle
Homans sign> DVT
Possible causes for stress fractures?
overuse, improper conditioning, inadequate nutrition, structural abnormalities of feet
Where is impetigo commonly found?
Face and hands
What does a 3- MMT score mean?
Some, but not complete ROM against gravity
What quick test can be performed to check if nerve root L5 is intact?
extend great toe
You are covering a football game when 2 players collide. You notice that one player grabs his neck and shakes his arm. When yo examine him, he complains of lateral neck discomfort and a feeling of numbness or burning down his arm. His arm is hanging limp by his side. In a few minutes, the symptoms subside. What do you expect?
What structures are injured with a knee triad injury?
ACL, MCL, medial meniscus
What is incubation period of mono?
4-6 weeks
Which tests should be used to diagnose a high ankle sprain?
Squeeze test, cotton test
During an upper quarter screen, checking strength of thumb extension correlates to what nerve root?
What does a positive drop arm sign indicate?
Panner's disease is an osteochondrosis of which of the following?
What infection causes plantar warts?