Trust Issues

__ out of three female homicide cases, females are killed by family member or intimate partner



What percentage of men experience abuse in intimate relationships?

58% of men experience psychological/financial abuse in relationships.


In which population does research suggest trust issue rates are the highest?

Married Couples


The single greatest cause of injury to women aged 15-44?

Domestic Violence


What is RESPECT?

Respect is defined by most dictionaries as a deep admiration for someone, but the concept of respect encompasses so much more that admiration. The essence of respect entails honoring a person's feelings and needs; it also involves taking into consideration and assigning importance to a person's desires, goals, thoughts, and behaviors. So disrespect would be the exact opposite of this.


___ in 6 men experience domestic violence abuse every year?



Why Do We Ignore Male Domestic Abuse?

society doesn’t talk about male domestic abuse, so men don’t bring it up. The fewer men who talk about it, the less society wants to talk about the issue.


What is the leading cause of Trust issues within relationships?

Social Media:

-Seven out of ten admit to looking at a partner's phone when they were out of the room

-Over 60% admitted suspicions their partner snooped on their social media profiles

-Over 25% have been caught cheating as a result of technology


True or False: Domestic violence is due to poverty or lack of education



What are some Behaviors of Disrespect in Relationships?


-disregard for feelings and personal freedom

-nagging and criticizing 

-lack of attentiveness to the other's need for safety

-lack of consideration of boundaries

Only _% of people who are injured by intimate partners receive medical care of their injuries
What is 34%?

What are some examples of emotional and physical abuse?

  • Verbally abuse you, belittle you, or humiliate you in front of friends, colleagues, or family, or on social media.
  • Be possessive, act jealous, or harass you with accusations of being unfaithful.
  • Take away your car keys or medications, try to control where you go and who you see.
  • Try to control how you spend money or deliberately default on joint financial obligations.
  • Make false allegations about you to your friends, employer, or the police, or find other ways to manipulate and isolate you.
  • Threaten to leave you and prevent you from seeing your kids if you report the abuse.

How can one gain trust back in a relationship?

-Say what you mean, and mean what you say.

-Be vulnerable — gradually.

-Remember the role of respect.

-Express your feelings functionally, especially when it's tough.

-Take a risk together.

-Be willing to give as well as receive.


True or False: Men who abuse are violent because they cannot control their anger and frustration.


Research shows that men who abuse is sometimes because of learned behavior from parents or other caregivers who raised them.


What is the difference between respect and love?

The main difference between love and respect is that one is meant for everyone, and the other is meant for that special someone in your life.

Respect means that you have a positive feeling or action that is shown towards another. While love often means the same, there are differences between them. For example, you might respect someone with an elite title, like the US President or the CEO of the company you work for, but that does not mean that you love them.


The number of women who have been killed by men in domestic violence disputes since 2015

What is 18,000?


What is spiritual/religious abuse?

when a batterer uses spirituality or religion to establish and maintain power and control over a victim


What are Common Signs of Mistrust?

-Avoiding commitment.

-Assuming people are doing things to hurt you.

- Being overly secretive about yourself.

- Feeling overprotective.

-Reluctance to open up.


What are different forms of domestic violence?

-Physical Abuse

-Emotional Abuse

-Sexual Abuse


Examples of respect in a healthy relationship

In a healthy relationship, respect looks like: Talking openly and honestly with each other. Listening to each other. Valuing each other's feelings and needs.


Which ethnic group experiences the highest level of domestic violence in the United States?

Researchers generally agree that among ethnic groups in the United States, Blacks are the most likely to experience domestic violence—either male-to-female or female-to-male—followed by Hispanics and then Whites.


Which type of abuse is more damaging?




Emotional abuse is most damaging because it is difficult to identify and much more difficult to get out of. 


What are some Mental health disorders attached to trust issues?

  • Depression
  • Adjustment disorders
  • Anxiety
  • Fear of abandonment
  • Attachment issues
  • Posttraumatic stress
  • Schizophrenia

The number of calls made to the national domestic violence hotline every day



True or False: Respect is at put more at risk in intimate relationships rather than friendships, work relationships or acquaintances.


  • Familiarity: We usually spend a lot of time with our partners, but this can lead us to take them for granted, stop paying attention to their interests and needs, and not notice when they change.
  • Desire: Intimate relationships are often fuelled by sexual desire, which can at times be so overwhelmingly strong that it can really distort our thinking.
  • Possessiveness: Partners can become sexually possessive of each other, and will get concerned or upset if they feel like their partner is not fully committed to the relationship.
  • Dependence: The lives of couples can become deeply entangled over time. This can mean that you each feel like decisions the other one makes affect you, and therefore you are entitled to a say in what the other person is doing.
