These are our co-executive directors
Robin Winner and Dennis Meier
The average number of times it takes a DV survivor to leave an IPV relationship for good
physical, sexual, or psychological abuse of a person by their partner or spouse
Intimate Partner Violence
In this movie starring Julia Roberts Laura fakes her own death and moves to a different town in order to escape her abuser
Sleeping with the Enemy
Two abuse tactics in the power and control wheel
coercion and threats, intimidation, emotional abuse, isolation, minimizing/denying/blaming, using children, using male privilege, economic abuse
A safe place marked with a yellow sign where youth may go for help
QuikTrip, KC Public Libraries, Mid-Continent Libraries, YMCA, Metro Busses
According to the CDC, this many women will experience physical violence by their intimate partner in their life time
1 in 4, 25%
physical maltreatment or sexual molestation of a child
Child Abuse
Best friends Mary Ann and Wanda kill Wanda's abuser in this song by The Chicks
Goodbye Earl
Over this percentage of female homicide victims are killed by current or former intimate partners
The Children's Center was originally at this location
The presence of a gun in DV situations increases the risk of homicide for women by this much
the ongoing failure of a parent or guardian to meet a child's basic needs
Child Neglect
Margaret Qualley is Alex in this Netflix mini-series about the struggles a woman faces leaving an abusive relationship. Her daughter, Maddy, loves her mermaid she fondly calls Shmariel
Minority and immigrant women face higher rates of IPV than white native women.
This was the first Synergy program, starting in 1970
Synergy House
IPV survivors are this many times more likely to develop depression, be diagnosed with anxiety, meet criteria for PTSD, and engage in self-harming behaviors
the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage.
Birds are heard in the recording of this song by Hozier that portrays a less-common IPV occurrence in which a man is abused by a woman
Cherry Wine
Transparency, trustworthiness & transparency, peer support, collaboration, empowerment, and humility & responsiveness are the core principles to this approach
Trauma Informed Care
Two Synergy programs, often confused for each other. One is a shelter that holds our ABPP, the other is a facility which conducts forensic interviews for youth.
Children's Center and Child Advocacy Center
This percentage of child abuse survivors also report experiencing IPV
potentially traumatic events that occur in childhood (0-17 years)
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
Based on a best-selling book this TV series follows the lives of three women Celeste (Nicole Kidman), Madeline (Reese Witherspoon), and Jane (Shailene Woodley)
Big Little Lies
Transgender people experience IPV at a rate higher than cisgender people. More than this percentage of transgender people will experience IPV in their lifetime.