Student Presentations
Speaking English as a second language --> Name a movie scene and whether it's an advantage or disadvantage faced by immigrants
What is ordering at the restaurant? Disadvantage - it's difficult to communicate and get what you need/want.
This is how you define an Afrolatino.
Who is a person with African and Latino ancestry/ethnicity?
This is the larger of the two countries on the island of Hispaniola in area. It is proud of it's mixed ancestry.
What is Dominican Republic?
This is how Cuba feels about its African ancestry.
What is being proud to be of African origin?
This country has the largest population of Afrolatinos?
What is Brazil?
Salary Difference between origin country and the US --> Name a movie scene and whether it's an advantage or disadvantage faced by immigrants
What is when he gets his check and sends money to his family? Advantage - his check is much higher than it would be in the DR
"DAILY DOUBLE"! This is a famous Afrolatino/a. (Name 1) For each additional is 100 extra points
Who is Zoe Saldana, Christiana Milian, Taio Cruz, Sofia Vergara, etc.?
This is the smaller of the two countries on the island of Hispaniola in area. It is proud of it's African ancestry.
What is Haiti?
This is the type of government Cuba had under Castro.
What is communist?
This country has the second highest population of Afrolatinos and the most out of the Hispanophone (spanish-speaking) countries?
What is Colombia?
Salary Difference between immigrants and native citizens --> Name a movie scene and whether it's an advantage or disadvantage faced by immigrants
What is when he gets his check and talks to his mom on the phone about how much he makes? Advantage - his check is much lower than what native citizens would make. Only $900. Disadvantage
These are the problems faced by Afrolatinos in being cast for certain roles.
What is not fitting a racial/cultural stereotype?
This is how merengue (and son in Cuba) demonstrates Afrolatino culture.
What is blending African, indigenous, and European elements in music?
This is the state of African identity in Cuba today.
What is informal racism outlawed but black Cubans and white Cubans are still not equal in terms of salary, jobs, etc.?
This country is where Christiana Milian's parents come from. Santeria is a popular practice among Afrolatinos here. It's an island country in the Caribbean Sea.
What is Cuba?
Family Relationships --> Name a movie scene and whether it's an advantage or disadvantage faced by immigrants
What is talking to his girlfriend and mom on the phone, especially when he ran away to New York. Relationships are strained as you are far away from your family and the people you love. Disadvantage.
This is the identity crisis imposed on many Afrolatinos.
What is people who aren't Afrolatino have trouble stereotyping/defining/labeling Afrolatinos? They aren't sure whether that person is Black or Latino when in reality that person is both and feels that they are both.
This is the relationship between Haiti and the DR and explains why the DR is proud of its mixed ancestry and Haiti is proud of its African ancestry.
What is Haiti took over DR leaving the DR bitter. Haiti is entirely Afrolatino and DR began to equate African heritage with the Haitians they didn't care for. Haitian and black are almost synonymous in the DR.
Defend or critique this claim: Afrocubanos are able to express their culture always.
What is no? Musician not allowed to play music. Can't record videos in places. Not allowed to speak of social ills.
This country tries to distance itself from its black ancestry due to strained relations with Haiti. It's proud of its mixed ancestry even though 5.4 million Afrolatinos live here in places like San Pedro de Macoris.
What is the Dominican Republic?
Cultural Differences --> Name a movie scene and whether it's an advantage or disadvantage faced by immigrants
What is the food served at breakfast, interacting with the girl he was interested in, etc. Disadvantage - it can be overwhelming to not be familiar with how things work in a different country. It's exhausting too.
Do you relate to the Afrolatino identity crisis? Why or why not? (Think is what others see who I really am)
What is ...?
Are there any similarities between how Blacks are treated in or between Haiti and the Dominican Republic and in the United States? Explain why or why not.
What is ...?
How did the USSR and Fidel Castro influence race identity and racism in Cuba?
What is informal racism made illegal? Large debt, disproportionately affects Afrocubans. Two sets of currency, etc.
In this country, Afrolatinos have a lot of political power and work on Afrolatino issues even though there is little hope.
What is Colombia?