what type of music do i listen to before a game of basketball, football, baseball, or anything
a mix of rap and country music
where do i work 1 a city or 2 a farm
2 a farm
What is 1 of the best ways to be successful
set a routine, set concrete goals, learn to say no, be smart with money, and work the best you can in every way
What is my dream Job
Playing in professional sports
How do you spell my first name
What is my dream before going to professional sports "hint you need to go here first"
A scholarship to a division 1 school
what is my favorite part of working on a farm
you learn a lot more about things then you would in a city job
What is one of my proudest moments "hint 5th grade"
winning the MYFL championship
What is my favorite sport
Who did i get my name from
Domenic Toretto
what division 1 school would i go to if i had a choice
what sports do i play not a certain order
basketball, football, baseball, track, and wrestling
what is 1 way to be successful as a student
Find your best study method, do your homework, don't be afraid to ask for help, learn to communicate with teachers and other students
In my favorite sport what team do I want to play for
The Minnesota Vikings
What country is my last name from
what motivates me
My dream of how i want my life to be or just my dream of going somewhere not a lot of people get to go
what was the first organized sport i started playing
what is 3 ways to be a successful athlete
eat healthy, work hard all of the time, always do extra work, be a leader of the team you are on, and set high standards for yourself
What is my 2nd dream job
Esports or pro gaming
What was I almost named
what is my favorite quote by Damian Lillard
"If you want to look god in front of thousands, you have to outwork thousands in front of nobody" - Damian Lillard
besides sports what is another 1 of my hobbies?
i help work on a race car, i play video games, and i camp a lot
what is 2 ways to be a successful entrepreneur
have a solid business plan, be ready for financial challenges, surround yourself with people that have the same vision as you, be easy on the start because not everything will come easy
Outside of sports what would I want for a job
a doctor
what is the meaning of my last name
extending the main body or line