Rahab was told to do this to save her family.
What is tie a scarlet thread in the window?
(Josh 2:18)
I was a shepherd, musician, poet, soldier, prophet, and king.
Who is David?
(IT p585)
My name means "dove"
Jehovah gave me a lesson in mercy
I had an encounter with a fish
Who was Jonah?
(IT 98)
I am full of music and songs
What are Psalms?
a song about a king who fell in love with a simple country girl but she loved a shepherd boy - so the king lost out
What is Song of Solomon?
Jehovah gave this as a sign he would never again destroy the earth by a flood.
The Rainbow (or Rainbow Covenant)
(Genesis 9:13)
Pilate set him free in place of Jesus
Who was Barabbas?
(Matthew 27:26)
I was thrown into a pit of lions
Who is Daniel?
(Daniel 6:16)
I offer wisdom and discipline
What are Proverbs?
Integrity under trial
What is the book of Job?
This was used as a waterproofing substance for the ark.
What is tar? (or bitumen)
I ate locusts and wild honey
Who was John the Baptist?
(Matthew 3:4)
I was in prison with a cupbearer and a baker.
Who is Joseph?
The number of books of the bible
What is 66
The book after Psalms
What is Proverbs
Twin boys, one was a hunter and one was a homebody.
Who is Esau and Jacob?
(BS lesson 13)
I protected my baby brother in a basket in the river.
Who is Miriam?
(BS lesson 17)
Who is Peter?
The last book of the Hebrew scriptures (some call them the "Old Testament"
What is Malachi?
Faith without works is dead
(specifically 2:17)
In Ezekiels vision involving the four wheels, they appeared to be glowing as this semi precious stone.
What is chrysolite?
(IT p46)
Jesus saw me under the fig tree
Who is Nathaniel?
(John 1:48)
I asked for wet wool and dry ground as a sign.
Known for saying "order in the court"
What are Judges?
Everything is vanity and a chasing after the wind
What is Ecclesiastes?