Bc its easy 2 questions
When is mom's and dad's anniversary?
What high school was mom in?
Nov 26
where did mom and dad go on their honeymoon?
what does mom eat everyday for lunch in school?
What did mom dress up in her school this year for Halloween?
whats mom's Hebrew name?
Whats a fun facts abt mom's eyes? (not color)
2 diff size pupils
its called anisocoria
When mom was younger where did she go most summers?
Israel (I think)
What does mom eat in car from work everyday?
Pretzel and animal crackers
What days is mom late days?
I think Monday and Tuesdays
How tall in mom?
5 ft
What part of davening does mom daven in the morning?
Modeh Ani and Brachot HaShachar
where did mom work as a waiter at?
Red Robin
What is mom's fav kind of apple?(not the color)
Carmel apple
what is mom's school address?
330 Durant Ave, Staten Island, NY 10308
What is mom's fav pajamas?
Bingo shirt or rocky sweatshirt
What happened on Dec 27 2022 in Israel? How did it happen? (its not glass in eye bc idk what date that was)
what's mom Hewlett Station order?
Coffee Hewlee with Vanilla ice cream and yogurt chocolate chips on top
What is the name of mom's phsyco student?
What day of the week was mom born on?
What is mom snap score? (she wont know and no looking at phone but u can be 5000 off)
43,044 (rn when I made this)
What was moms old address?
24 Orbit Ln
Staten Island, NY 10314
166 Nome Ave, Staten Island, NY
What pasta dish does mom get most nauseous from?
Fettuccine Alfredo
2013 for spirit week what did mom wear or be?
there is 2 options
Phones or cool teens
What is mom's fav book by Frieda McFadden?
The Housemaids (idk which one)