Breakfast at Tiffany's
Brunch-y Munchies
What's for lunch?
Where in the world are we eating?
Betty Crocker's Off Her Rocker

Tony says this cereal is a GRRRRRRREEEEAT way to start the day!

What are Frosted Flakes?

In 1952, Tony the Tiger won a popularity contest against three other characters — Katy the Kangaroo, Elmo the Elephant, and Newt the Gnu — to become the new Frosted Flakes mascot.


A hungover stockbroker by the name of Lemuel Benedict is said to have invented this popular brunch dish in New York's Waldorf Hotel in 1894 by ordering buttered toast, poached eggs and crisp bacon with “a hooker of hollandaise.”

What is Eggs Benedict?

A plate of Eggs Benedict is the perfect breakfast.

It's beyond repoach!


The Saratoga Club House in Saratoga Springs claimed it introduced this double decker sandwich served in triangles in 1894.

What is a clubhouse sandwich?

The triangles give more sandwich filling per bite. A triangular sandwich has two 45° corners that allow you to bite much further towards the middle on your first two bites, where there is more filling. This is followed up by a perfect, crustless third bite as you take the space left in the middle.


My friend eats a bowl of fries, cheese curds and brown gravy every single morning. It's just his daily poutine. Where does he live?

What is Canada?

Did you hear about the Canadian who dropped food on is newspaper?

He had to read poutine the lines.


"Want to know what sunshine tastes like? Then try this pie. It’s bursting with fresh citrus flavor and a sweet, creamy topping."

What is lemon meringue pie? 

Meringue was invented in 1720 by a Swiss pastry chef although some sources say it already existed and was only improved by this illustrious chef. French and Italian chefs each created their own version, so today there are three different types of meringue: French, Italian, and Swiss


Which is more popular in Canada - coffee or tea?

What is coffee?

As of Jan 8, 2024 48% of Canadians are daily tea drinkers, compared to 71% for coffee and 63% for tap water.


This is an open-faced sandwich on a ring-shaped piece of bread piece topped with thinly sliced red onions, cream cheese, briny capers, and brined fish.

What is lox & bagels?

The word "lox" comes from the Yiddish word for salmon, "laks."

The difference between lox and smoked salmon is how they are prepared. Lox is brined only whereas smoked salmon is cured or brined and then hot or cold smoked.

Because lox is never cooked, it remains smooth, silky, and translucent. Smoked salmon looks and tastes more similar to baked or grilled salmon.


This mac and cheese is "the cheesiest"!

What is Kraft Dinner? 

Also known in Canada as KD, it's considered by some to be the unofficial national meal – even over poutine and Tim Hortons. Canadians purchase 12% of all Kraft Macaroni & Cheese and eat it 55% more than Americans do.


The national food of this country is Ragu alla Bolognese - a sauce of meat and tomatoes with tagliatelle pasta.  

What is Italy?

Why did the pasta call up his friend?
He was feeling canneloni.


"Top a brownie base with three flavors of ice cream and a heavenly meringue for a dessert that will truly wow the crowd."

What is Baked Alaska?

Why does the ice cream not melt in baked Alaska?

Why doesn't the ice cream melt? The cake and meringue both contain lots of air pockets that act as a cushion to insulate the ice-cream and prevent it from melting.


In 2001, a nationwide experiment involving over 1,000 schoolchildren and 21,000 drops confirmed the theory that this falling off a plate lands butter-side down almost two-thirds of the time.

What is toast?

The explanation is that as the toast goes over the edge of the plate, it starts to rotate, but the spin-rate is too slow to bring the butter-side uppermost again by the time the toast hits the floor.


In medieval Europe, this was called “poor knight's pudding” because it was considered a frugal, filling meal and a good way to use up stale bread.

What is French toast?

French toast got its current name through a grammatical error. Innkeeper Joseph French introduced the dish to America in 1724. He intended to name his creation “French's Toast” but inadvertently left out the apostrophe and S.


Back in 1924, this guy named Caesar Cardini created a positively delicious salad & then named it after himself… maybe you’ve heard of it?

What is a Caesar salad?

Originally intended as finger food, the original Caesar salad recipe called for whole lettuce leaves, which were to be dipped in the dressing and then eaten with the fingers.


Moussaka - a casserole made with baked or pan fried aubergines (eggplants), potatoes, a tomatoe-y beef or lamb mince sauce and topped off with a deliciously creamy bechamel sauce - is the national dish of this country.

What is Greece?

Although it's the national dish of Greece, moussaka originated in Turkey. The Turkish version looks more like stew made of equal parts auberigine, tomato, onions and minced meat, and served with rice pilaf.


True or False?

Cherpumple Cake combines cherry pie baked in chocolate cake, pumpkin pie baked in yellow cake and apple pie baked in spice cake stacked high under a blanket of cream cheese frosting.


Inspired by the Turducken - turkey stuffed with chicken stuffed with duck - cherpumple can take up to three days to make because each layer must cool before they are combined.


Since 1929, this nutritious warm cereal made with Alberta-grown wheat, rye, and flax comes in a red and yellow box and has been a breakfast staple for generations.

 What is Sunny Boy?

The cereal is so iconic that when a hitch in new ownership kept it off grocery store shelves for 10 months in the early 80s, shopkeepers had to keep waitlists until its return.


'Real men' don't eat this.

What is Quiche?

Quiches make terrible comedians because they have a flaky sense of humor.


“Mm! Mm! Good!” The perfect side to a grilled cheese sandwich!

What is Campbell's tomato soup?

In 1895 the first jar of ready-to-eat soup, Beefsteak Tomato, is introduced. New Jersey Beefsteak tomatoes had been their signature product for over 25 years, featured prominently on their labels and first trademark.


This country doesn't have an official national dish, but many consider meatballs and lingonberries to be the national fare.

What is Sweden?

IKEA stores have been serving food since the 1960s, but in 1985 Swedish chef Severin Sjöstedt created a meatball that was delicious, affordable and easy to serve, based on the traditional Swedish meatball. After 10 months of tireless testing and tasting, the IKEA meatball was born.


"Three layers of a moist chocolate cake are separated by a from-scratch cherry filling (made with dark sweet cherries) that’s both rich and tart in its taste, then frosted with a Swiss buttercream frosting and decorated with shaved chocolate and a pile of maraschino cherries."

What is Black Forest Cake?

The name is derived from the specialty liquor of the Black Forest region, known as Schwarzwälder Kirsch(wasser), which is distilled from tart cherries. This is the ingredient that gives the dessert its distinctive cherry pit flavor and alcoholic content flavor.


In diner lingo is this hearty breakfast is called a stack with motor oil and axel grease with a side of grunt and cluck.

What is pancakes with syrup and butter and aside of bacon and eggs?

Eggs in diner lingo can also be called "cackle berries," "cackle fruit" and "hen fruit." "Deadeye" means poached, "wrecked" means scrambled; "blindfolded," basted, with yolks unbroken. "Fry two and let the sun shine" means two eggs with unbroken yolks. "two dots and a dash," two fried eggs and a slice of bacon.


This famous brunch cocktail is named after the soft, yellow-orange colored flowers of the Acacia dealbata plant.

What is a mimosa?

Tropicana had to apologize for suggesting mimosas were the answer to pandemic parenting. Some people loved the ad while others said it encouraged using alcohol to cope with stress and drink in secret.


A turkey sandwich after Thanksgiving, cold pizza or a reheated bowl of casserole perhaps.

What are leftovers?

Leftovers have been a part of human eating culture since ancient man realized the fruits of a hunt would stay edible for a while if they were stored in the back of a cold, dark cave.


 "Cawl mamgu" or "grandmother's soup" is a dish that was commonly made in rural areas of this country, often made with ingredients that were readily available, such as root vegetables, meat, and herbs.

What is Wales?

For centuries, March 1st has been a national festival celebrating Saint David who was recognized as a national patron saint in the 12th century at the peak of Welsh resistance to the Normans. Welsh people greet each other with 'Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus', which translates as happy St David's Day in Welsh.


"Brown sugar and butter create a rich, caramel glaze that coats juicy...rings, maraschino cherries and a golden-brown cake—what’s not to love? But the true secret to this cake’s beauty is in the “flip” that happens when you remove it from the oven."

What is Pineapple upside down cake?

Although many credit a Dole Pineapple Company sponsored a contest in the mid-1920s for pineapple recipes for the creation of the inverted pineapple cake, in the middle ages Europeans made cakes by pouring a basic batter over a layer of fruit and sugar, cooking the whole thing over a fire, then flipping it to serve.
