Myths about GOD/Jesus
Myths about religion and Christianity
Myths about the bible
Myths about the resurrections (and more)

The Cosmic Cop Myth

Myth: God is just a God that wants us to follow a bunch of rules and have no fun.

Truth: God has rules in place to guide us away from death and into eternal life and eternal happiness.


Check you brains at the door myth

Myth: Don't think about the bible to hard, it only matters that you believe it (you might have doubt if you question it!).

Truth: Sometimes the strongest faith comes through doubting something, then finding the answer. This builds faith if you pursue it.


How do I know God?

By knowing his word! How can we know God if we don't know his own words and character in the scriptures?


The Swoon Theory Myth

Myth: Jesus didn't die, he just fainted.

Truth: Jesus was without water for three days, after loosing copies amounts of blood and having wounds open to infection.


What story did the Pharisees make up when the body of Jesus was gone?

They paid the Roman soldiers to say that the body was stolen.


Vending Machine God Myth

Myth: If God was real than he would give me whatever I ask for to prove himself.

Truth: If God gave us everything we asked for, we would surely regret it. He gives us what we need.


The unscientific myth (Abraham Lincoln)

Myth: The bible cant be proven scientifically therefore I cant believe it.

Truth: The bible cant be proven scientifically, but neither can Abraham Lincoln, or anything in the past. It can be proven evidentially though. 


The Bible and Swiss Cheese Myth

Myth: The bible has a bunch of errors and cant prove anything.

Truth: The Bible still stands true through thousands of years of criticism. 

The Nice Guy Myth

Myth: Nice guys finish last, you have to fight your way to the top.

Truth: The humble will be exalted. Often those who fight the hardest, end up with the lease.


About how heavy would the stone have been at Jesus tomb?

2 tons (4 thousand lbs)


Luke Skywalker Myth

Myth: God is an impersonal force that just keeps the universe running.

Truth: God is ever present hoping to have a relationship with each of us.


The Universalist myth

Myth: Any faith can get you into heaven, as long as you really believe it.

Truth: The bible specifically says "I am the way, truth, and the life, no one goes to the father except through me".


One among many myth

Myth: The bible is just another old book that has a few good things to say.

Truth: The Bible claims to be the only one source of truth for salvation. It is THE BOOK.


The wrong tomb myth

Myth: Mary and the apostles just went to the wrong tomb. Jesus didn't actually rise.

Truth: Both Mary's, Joseph of Arimathea, chief priests, Pharisees, Pilate, and a guard of soldiers all saw where Jesus was buried.


How many men where in a typical roman guard



Prophet Jesus Myth

Myth: Jesus was just a prophet, another good man with teaching from God.

Truth: A man cannot profess to be God and be considered good. Jesus was either Liar, Lord, or Lunatic.


God will grade on a curve myth

Myth: I'm better than a lot of people so I'll probably be saved.

Truth: God has told us we must be "born again" to be saved. We must believe, confess, be baptized, and live a renewed life with him. 


The Myths and Legends Myth

Myth: The followers of Christ took facts about Christ and exaggerated them to make a religion.

Truth: Most of the apostles died for their conviction of what they saw, along with thousands of other disciples.


The Consumer Myth

Myth: you can find fulfillment in the accumulation of things/toys

Truth: when you are stripped of everything, even life, the only joy that can't be taken away is our joy in Christ, and eternal life with God.


at least how many people saw Jesus after his resurrection?

at least 500


Plastic Jesus Myth (Ivory Tower)

Myth: Jesus was just a dude in a white robe walking around telling stories. I cant relate to that.

Truth: Jesus was God but also man just like us. He encountered many of the same daily struggles we encounter today.


The relativity myth

Myth: Just because somethings wrong for you doesn't mean its wrong for me!

Truth: God clearly outlines morals for us. although, sometimes we try to justify our actions by telling ourselves there's more than one version of right and wrong.


The Bible and the Telephone Game

Myth: The bible has a bunch of inaccuracies because it was spread a lot by word of mouth.

Truth: The bible has 24,000 more ancient copies than the most famous historical philosophers (Aristotle). All of these texts only have minor inconsistencies (grammatics).


Hide 'N' Seek Myth

Myth: The apostles and followers stole the body of Jesus.

Truth: There were Roman soldiers guarding the tomb, The tomb was sealed, It was large, and would have caused a loud noise to move.


how did the roman guard rotate shifts through the night?

12 slept while 4 were awake and they rotated every 4 hours so everyone got plenty of sleep.
