Original Songs
Sing Out Joyfully
Children’s Songs
Song Titles

Just a smile can lift a weary heart….Just a smile can help us make a start. When you’ve done your best praying you’ll succeed. Then you will see __ ______ __ ____ __ ____.

a smile is what we need.


You gave your precious Son,

And now we sing as one,

A song we’ll sing forever,

_______________________(6 words)

for giving us your precious Son. [20]


I want to be like Esther she had courage she was brave. ____________________ (6 words)

She took a stand for Jehovah.


God’s Loyal ____ (Song #18)



Now is the time For preaching with zeal. We’ll never give up or give way to fear. And now is the time __ ____ __ __ ____, Now that the final days are here.

To show how we feel


There was a reason why God brought the truth to you

And called you from the darkness to the light.

Within your heart, he saw the longing that you had

___________________________________(9 words)

To search for him and practice what is right. [38]


I’m so happy that you’re my friend,

Just like David and Jonathan.

You’re always there.

_________________ [4 words]

Thank you for you.


Take Sides ____ _______ (Song #27)

with Jehovah


Take your time; patience is the key. Just wait and see. Use your head, though your heart may not agree, And think, ‘Is this the one for me? Possibly,__ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____. ____ ______ ______.

if you just take your time. And choose wisely.


This is the way to life; This is the way.

Don’t look aside; Not for a moment stray!

God’s voice is calling: ‘This is the way;

_________________________(10 words)

Do not look back, for yes, this is the way.’ [54]


When I’m loyal to Jehovah,

It makes him happy to see.

And when I’m loyal to Jehovah,

________________ [5 words]

He’ll be loyal to me.


Faithful Women, _________ _______ (Song #86)

Christian Sisters


I keep your reminders, and I love them dearly. ____ __________ __ _____ and help me to see clearly. All the things I have heard in accord with your Word, help me understand.

They strengthen my heart


As we tell about the Kingdom, As we witness for your name, There are many who oppose us, And who try to bring us shame. But instead of fearing men, It’s really you we must obey. So we beg you now for your spirit;

____________________ (6 words)

O Jehovah, hear what we pray. [73]


Noah was faithful to Jehovah,

And as the Flood got closer,

He preached until the end.

If I try to be like Noah,

Faithful to Jehovah,

_____________ [5 words]

I can be God’s friend.


Listen, Obey and ___ ______ (Song #120)

be blessed.


So I say a prayer from the heart. When worries overtake my mind, __ ___ _______ _ ___ ____.

On his strength I can rely.


He will call; The dead will answer.

They will live at his command.

For he will have a longing

For the work of his own hand.

So have faith, and do not wonder,


For our God can make us stand.


I want to be like Esther.

She had courage; she was brave.

She took a stand for Jehovah.

________________ [6 words]

I want to do the same.


Seek God For _____ __________ (Song #133)

your deliverance
