Rate Increase
Driver Record

What GL do you go to because of increase in the renewal term? 

Why Did My Premium Change? (Renewal)


What is "Full Coverage" what GL did you use? 

Coverage Education & Counseling


Can you change the last installment due date on a FL policy? What GL?

Not acceptable

GL: Last Installment Due Date Change Acceptability Chart 


For how long are points Charge in state of NJ?

Points are only charged during 36-month chargeable period.


Can you backdate a cancel date? What GLs did you use?

Yes with proof.
GLs: Cancel proof, Cancel the Policy (Insured Request) 


Why does the policy increase or decrease with list only or excluded drivers? What GL do you use to explain this to the customer?

Exclusion/List Only Driver, Household Member, or Excess Vehicle Factor may have recalculated.

GL: Why Did My Premium Change? (New Business & Policy Changes) or Household Factor 


What GL do you use when adding a vehicle from the following year and you need to input the symbols manually?

Manual Vehicle Symbols> Keying Manual Symbols> VIN Symbols> All S2008 Vehicles 


Can you remove multiple late fees at a time on a policy that's at least 12 months old? What GL?

After policy is active for 12 months, only 1 billing fee can be removed per policy term.

GL: Remove Fee 


What happens when you have 2 or more PJC's on the policy? What GL?

2 or more PJCs on policy: No violations will be eliminated, & points will be charged.

GL: Driving Record (NC)


Can second name insured take over a policy? what GL did you use?

NO. Current named insured must request policy cancellation as policy is not transferable to anyone.

GL: Change/Delete Named Insured, Second Named Insured or Spouse


Premium increases when a vehicle is deleted? What GL do you use?

Premium increases when vehicle is deleted: When there are more drivers than vehicles listed, household factor may have been recalculated.

GL: Why Did My Premium Change? (New Business & Policy Changes) or Household Factor 



Can you delete a total loss vehicle if the claim is still opened? What GL? 

Yes. Total Loss/Change policy to Named Operator due to total loss: Use date of loss + 1.

GL: Effective Date/Binding - Policy Change 


NI requests a receipt for their payment how can you send it? What GL?

Send Ace Memo 

  • Receipt of payment amount: Billing/EFT 98

GL: Payment/Billing History Request 


Can a married 25-year-old permit driver be a non-rated driver in the state of North Carolina? What GL?

Yes, Massachusetts & North Carolina: There is no age limit.

GL: Non-Rated Driver 


True or False: Every state has a cancel fee. What GL?

False. Although some states do charge a cancel fee other states do not. 

GLs: Charges/Fees *state specific


True or False: A premium can decrease when policy renews with lapse in coverage? and What GL?

  • True: Yes. Premium can decrease, as well as increase, or have no change, when policy renews with lapse in coverage. This is similar to starting new policy or rewrite; rates may differ from previous policy. **Why Did My Premium Change? (Renewal) **

A NI has a policy for TX and he wants to add a vehicle located in FL. What GL do you use? (He stays in TX majority of the time due to work, but he has a house in FL)

Vehicle Location> Dual residence


 Does customer have to submit proof payment has been processed by their financial institution to research misapplied payment? What GL?

Yes. Customer will have to submit proof to Accounting Services for research if misapplied payment cannot be located using Payment Search.

GL: Misapplied Money and Lost Payments 


What GL do you go to if the CX is requesting to override and accident midterm because is no longer within state's chargeable period? 

Accident Dispute >Set Accident or Violation to Non-Chargeable


Person not listed on a policy, calls to cancel NI's policy do they have to pay the balance owed? What GL?

No. Balance Owed: Will automatically waive after cancel.

GL: Cancel the Policy (Insured Request) 


Do we file rate changes & revisions with the Department of Insurance?

  • Yes. The Department of Insurance approved our rate revision, which allows us to adjust rates gradually over time to account for changes in our cost of doing business.

How many vehicles can be added to a policy? What GL did you use? 

PolicyPro can accommodate up to 20 vehicles.

GL: Year, Make, and Model 


Customer accidentally pays with the wrong card requests a cancelation in order to pay with a different card. Can you refund the amount the same day customer made the payment? What GL?

Refund request cannot be processed by Accounting Services until next business day. Transaction must reflect on credit card report to process refund, & this requires a nightly cycle.

GL: Card Payment Refund 


Can you set accident or violation to non-chargeable when there is an open claim in the current policy term? What GL?

Policy does not qualify for points to be overridden/set to non-chargeable.

GL: Set Accident or Violation to Non-Chargeable 


After how many claims in a 36mo period can the policy cancel or not renew? 

For internal reference only: 3 OR more claims in past 36 months may result in nonrenewal.

GL: How Claim Affects Policy 
