3.2 Stars
What is our Google rating?
For this process you will always have to create 3 tickets
What is Refinance? What is Buyout?
Enlighten ID
What is Enphase?
I am a yellow light and sometimes I'm dramatic and show error codes.
What is inverter failure?
I am a physical barrier that likes to hang around modules, I am sometimes mesh or sometimes solid, small living things can't get passed me, what am I?
What are critter guards?
I do not belong to you as I am paid off yet you are still filed under my title report. You can remove yourself easily as long as I request to be removed and I am special as you do not charge me for this. What am I?
What is Prepaid Transition?
Under 3 mins (180secs) per call
What is hold time goal?
Old Value > New Value (Sitetracker)
What is the History Tab?
What is QA inspection? What is truck roll charge?
Red Hair coolest girl in HOST floor
I am flagged after some time of not paying, I am turned off as a consequence. What am I?
What is Delinquent Disconnect?
You create me when a homeowner is requesting to have active filing removed off title report. P.S: Lease expired 4 years ago. (Spruce Sequioia)
What is SQT ticket?
Visible discoloration silver lines on panels
What is snail trail?
Oozing green liquid coming out of solar break box
Panels sliding off roof
Solar wires handing from panels
Cracked/Broken panels
What is Damage dispatch?
5 months after this ___ you will receive a credit if eligible
What is FA date? What is anniversary date?
Year 19 in contract, and wants services continued
What is Lease Extension?
You can only create me once everything has been reviewed. Per my AASA, my last bill due is October, however I have received an invoice due November. FYI the Homesale was completed in Sept 5th.
What is manual adjustment?
I can be used to communicate with AO directly, all I have to do is @ a person. I am used for follow ups or requesting updates.
What is Chatter?
I am small, but strong as I can convert sun energy into electricity, I am not on the side of the home but somewhere special hiding from the sun. If I shut off, everything will still work, what am I?
What are microinverters?
M-00116176 (In Zuora) (Rate Info)
What is Orders & Subscription?
"Action Required" "Waiting For Others" " Expiring Soon" "Completed" (TSR Approvals or HS steps)
What is DocuSign?
Your company let me go Effective of 09/29. You deleted all of my data from your system and told me to kick rocks. I now have a new service partner and you can confirm who I am by looking under organization. Who am I?
What are SunRun accounts?
I change every day as my number is not always the same, I am first priority and I can only be touched in the afternoon due to different time zones. You see me every day, what am I?
What are follow up call backs?
You can continue after receiving all parts of me, I am required in order to continue a h/o's request. If parts of me are missing, you cannot move forward. If all parts of me are complete, you can send me for review. What am I?
What are dispatch requirements?
Fidelity Title, Old Republic Title, WFG Title