Who is calling?
John Porkoslav
How should you handle problems in life?
Create a world, where you don't make mistakes and everyone else are the problem.
Can you stop clapping?
How to make it so that they don't let you go to maturita?
Go to school for one hour, then leave and come back 3 hours later and have absention more than 25%
What time is it?
In a moment
(Za chvíli)
Why can't you use articulated bussed on line 194?
Because buses aren't vytočit here
Which colour is the výstraha on 81-71M metro trains?
What the new trolleybusses coming into Prague next year will be? (P.S. there is not one of them manufactured)
,,Na hovno"
Why should you postpone the deadline for submitting the maturitní práce?
What happened on Smíchovské nádraží last year?
Lights started blinking
What will be the biggest change in periodic repairs of trams 14T and 15T?
New electrical equipment for movement. - Resource from an employee of ROPID.
What emergency technology is used to change switches in metro?
Tágo - ,,staying key"
Who capitulated his career as lokfuhrer?
Who live in Plaňany?
Mayonnaise John Pork
How many hours till maturita?
Where we will see each other?
At the court
How does the preference of MHD work?
You don't know, because you don't work at ROPID
Who is the administrator of elevators in Masná "A" building?
svatý Vavřinec
Is the návěstidlo předpisové?
Ve jménu Pána, jenž vede naše kroky po stezkách pravdy a spravedlnosti, musíme přiznat, že v této chvíli je nám zjeveno, že návěstidlo, jež bylo postaveno na této posvátné cestě, není v souladu s předepsanými pravidly, jež nám byly dané pro správnou orientaci naší pouti. Jak světlo z nebes nás ukazuje, i v těchto světských záležitostech, jako je naše pozemská cesta, musíme dbát na to, aby všechny znaky a znamení byly v souladu s Božími zákony, které nám umožňují správně směřovat k věčné spáse. Osvícení Ducha Svatého nechť nám dává sílu k nápravě této záležitosti, neboť v souladu s božskými předpisy nacházíme cestu k dokonalosti. Amen.
To how many teachers did you send one email?
All of them
What is the next announcement after "The next station is:"
"Exit on the left side in the direction of the travel" (end of announcement)
What was the name of the doors used in the first 81-71M train?
IFE, but one metro specialist said it was ELMESSY (not proven)
What is Matra-PA135?
,,Na hovno"
What do you tell to the cameraman from Dopravní podnik hl. m. Prahy, a. s.?
Have a nice time
(Mějte se hezky)
What is ,,na hovno"