What should be selected when going to File > Setup > Camera?
Canon EOS II Camera
What piece of paper tells you if you need to print ID cards?
The summary sheet (in the clear job folder)
What ISO should the camera be set to?
How long does the customer have to order online?
4 business days
High School camera cards are usually organized by
What angle should be selected when you go to File > Setup > Image Processing?
90 degrees
What F-Stop should the camera be set to?
The difference between helper coupons
Helper coupon is for helper volunteers, in need coupon for students in need of financial assistance
If a student or staff member does not have a white camera card what do they need to do?
Fill out a pink camera card
What file do you need to select at the beginning of each day?
pit file (the one that ends in ID)
The barcode will not print correctly on an ID card if you are missing this field in the TNJ
student ID number
What shutter speed should the camera be set to?
Elementary school camera cards are usually organized by
What does the Pseudo chroma key on/off button do?
Pulls the green screen background to be on or off
What field in the TNJ needs to be filled out to be able to print an ID card successfully?
Background field
What should the white balance be set to?
Lightning Bolt/Flash Mode
If a helper has 4 students at the school, how many helper coupons should they recieve?
About every 50 frames you need to
What should the guides be set to?
Oval height 4 : 5
Position of top 15 : 53
Position horizontal 50
Choose red and solid for your outline
Fade Background is Checked by 0%
The job summary sheet says ASB is hand entered, what do you need to do if a student comes up to you saying they purchased ASB?
See the reciept
What should the image quality be set to?
Medium stair
What do you do if a student comes to you with 2 envelopes?
Take two pictures, scan each envelope order ID to match to each image
If you get a pink camera card from a student, what should you search in the TNJ before creating a new record?
Last Name, First Name, Student ID number