Aristotle hailed from this region/civiliazation
Ancient Greece/Greece
This is the ultimate goal of human life, according to Aristotle, is eudaemonia, which in English means
The definition of metaphysics
The study of being/How things exist/First physics
These explain how and why a substance exists
four causes
Aristotle was the student of this Athenian philosopher
Aristotle argues that happiness is achieved through a life of virtue and guided by this type of reasoning unique to humans.
reason/rational activity
What is a substance?
is a being or thing that exists by itself rather than another thing as one of its properties; a thing
The material/physical 'stuff' of a substance
efficient cause
Aristotle was the tutor of this Macedonian emperor
Alexander the Great
All substances and actions aim towards the...
What is an accident?
Properties of substance that don't exist apart from the substance--such redness/weight/height etc.
The essential qualities (such as unity and structure) of a substance
This accounts for the material constitution of a substance
material cause
According to Aristotle, wealth, pleasure, and honor are often mistaken for this ultimate good but do not fully satisfy human nature.
happiness (eudaemonia)
Consuming (eating) an apple results in this type of change
These principles account for change and how things can develop
formal cause
The Nichomachean Ethics and the Physics are examples of
Aristotle says that we must study ethics in this discipline if we are to achieve our ultimate end because this 'science' addresses the greatest or common good.
political science/politics
Telos is translated into as English as...
Comparing matter and form with potency and act, potency is dictate/informed by:
The purpose of a substance is identified by its...
final cause