What does PRN stand for?
"As needed" (pro re nata)
An individual is tube fed and starts to vomit. What do you do first?
A- Call 9-1-1
B- Stop the feed
C- Clean up the mess
D- Call your coworker for help
B- Stop the feed.
The next steps will depend on their protocol.
What is the most common side effect of Ativan (lorazepam)?
*Keep in mind the effects this may have on someone's ability to sit, transfer, swallow, etc). Ativan can also stays in the bloodstream 48-72 hours
Epipens are given for life-threatening allergic reactions. What color end of an Epipen is applied to the thigh muscle?
Remember: "Blue to the sky, Orange to the thigh"
Where should you document after administering a PRN cream on a skin rash?
B- Progress Notes
C- All of the Above
D- None of the above. That's why we have protocols.
C- All of the Above
*Remember to document in DETAILS what the area looks like (size, exact location, color, smells, drainage, appearance, etc)
You notice that the person supported's G-tube is much further out than usual. What should you do?
A- Slowly push the tube back in and tape it to their skin.
B- Tape the tube to their skin and call the nurse.
C- Nothing, it is normal for the tube to move in and out.
D- Pull the tube out completely and re-insert it properly.
B- Tape the tube to their skin and call the nurse.
How long does it take for Ativan (lorazepam) in a tablet form to take effect in the body?
20-30 minutes
An individual is on Day 2 of their Bowel Protocol. During your shift, they have a small liquid BM. How would you document this in their Daily Care Checklist?
A- S/N Day #: 0
B- S/L Day #: 2
C- S/N Day #: 2
D- S/L Day #: 0
B- S/L Day #: 2
*Small/Loose and the Day stays at #2 because 'Small' is not enough to restart the count.
Name 5 of the 8 'Rights of Medication Administration'
- Person
- Medication
- Date & Time
- Dose
- Route
- Reason
- Documentation
- Response
What is the difference between a G-Tube and a J-Tube?
G-Tube is inserted in the stomach (G for Gastric).
J-Tube is inserted in the small intestine (J for Jejunum).
If an individual at Feltham House has a seizure, you need to call 9-1-1 immediately. TRUE of FALSE
TRUE - No one at Feltham House has a seizure disorder, therefore any new seizure or medical emergency would require medical assistance right away.
Tina T has an Illness Protocol associated with her brain tumor. Why?
To prevent dehydration from occurring. If Tina becomes dehydrated, this can negatively impact her brain tumor and cause severe complications.
Name three things you find on a PRN Medication Protocol?
Name of the person, medication, dosage, time interval between doses, route, maximum daily dose, reason for medication, observations, steps to take prior to administration and if not effective, name of nurse and doctor.
What are some examples of why a person would need to be fed by Tube and not by mouth?
- Dysphagia (trouble swallowing)
- GERD (Reflux)
- Lack of strength to eat
- Metabolic disorders
- Severe eating disorders
- Renal, cardiac, and other disorders
If someone has a seizure while in the bathtub, what do you do?
A- Drain the water from the tub, call for help, and follow their protocol
B- Drain the water from the tub, go get their medications, and follow their protocol
C- Call for help, re-assure the person, and follow the their protocol
D- Transfer the person out of the tub, go get their medications, and follow their protocol
A- Drain the water from the tub, call for help, and follow their protocol
*Safety first! Drain the water and NEVER leave a person unattended in the tub.
Name three things you are assessing when changing an ileostomy bag.
- Changes in stoma (color, size)
- Skin around the stoma site
- Amount, consistency, and color of stools
- Smell of stool (Very foul smelling could indicate infection)
At the start of your 15:00 PM shift, you notice that Person A's 08:00 AM medications have not been given or signed for by morning staff. What is your responsibility upon this discovery?
- Call the pharmacy for direction
- Monitor the person for ill effects
- Write findings and directions in PN's
- Report to Manager
- Report to family member (if applicable)
Why is the rate for feeding through a J-tube much slower than the rate for feeding through a G-tube?
J-tubes are positioned in the small intestines which are small organs that absorb liquids and nutrients at a much slower pace than the stomach.
What is the difference between Tonic-Clonic Seizures and Absence Seizures?
What are signs and symptoms of Heart Failure?
- Shortness of Breath
- Wheezing
- Wet sounding cough
- Swelling of feet, legs, face, or abdomen
- Decreased appetite or vomiting (with other symptoms)
- Pronounced neck veins
- Fatigue, weakness, or decreased alertness