
When a customer presents us with a required medical report, how far back can the date of examination be for us to accept it?

6 months.


What do we charge for copies of records?

Certified driving record-$5.50

Accident Report-$4.00

Other-$0.50 per page


What is the only ticket/violation that is excluded from counting against a minor holding a SMRL?

*Parking violation. All other violations, including no seat belt tickets will have consequences


When is ELDT required BEFORE taking a CDL knowledge test?

When wanting to add a hazmat endorsement to their CDL. 


What needs to be checked before going on a car drive to ensure the car is safe for a drive test

*plates/registration, insurance

Rear-Left, Right, Brake

Front-Left, Right, headlights, high beams, horn

*also check to ensure windshield is not cracked in line of sight or spiderwebbed, doors open from inside, seat belts work, etc


Do teens who have the 6 month passenger restriction on their intermediate license need to come back after that 6 months to have that restriction taken off their license?

No. The date the restriction ends is printed on the back on their license. 


What is, and what is not protected customer information?

Name, Address, DOB, DL #, SSN are all protected and confidential. Cannot be given out over the phone or email! (can be sent to address on file)

Driving records and CN's are not and anyone that can give you enough information to look them up, can have these. 

Accident reports-can be given to any party of the accident, the insurance company or an attorney.

Medical Reports-copy can only be given to person report was for.

Picture of customer-Only given to that person, unless they are deceased, then can be given to anyone with enough information to look them up.


Can a minor on a SMRL drive from one residence to the next if there are multiple addresses listed? 

No, they can only drive from one residence to school/work and then from that destination back to one of the residences listed. 


When is ELDT required before getting a CDL?

*Obtaiing a Class A or Class B CDL for the first time

* Upgrading an existing Class B CDL to a Class A

*Upgrading an existing Class C CDL to a Class A or Class B

*Obtaining a school bus, passenger or hazmat endorsement for the first time


How many questions can someone miss and still pass on the airbrake knowledge test?

There are 25 questions on the airbrake knowledge test and a customer can miss 5 questions and still pass. 


When a customer comes in for anything and has a CLP or CDL, what must be done EVERYTIME?

*Have them fill out and scan in their self certification. Even for duplicates. 


Can someone from Out of State that has never had an IA credential get issued a TRL in Iowa when they have an Out of State hit? 

No, they can't. However, if they have had any IA DL in the past (check credential history) they can get a TRL in Iowa


Where or for what purposes can a SMRL holder drive unaccompanied over the most direct and accessible route?

*To attend scheduled classes and school sponsored activities

*To participate in extracurricular activities

*For Employment

*For any farm-work or farm related work

*To refuel at closest gas station on route


When someone is getting a CLP or renewing a CDL and does not have the gold star, what must we do?

Have birth certificate or passport on file. 2 examiners need to check document and both of their initials should go in comments section of documents tab. 


When is a drive test required for vision?

*Must have 20/40 vision in at least one eye or we would send with vision report and require a drive test

*If best eye is 20/50 up to 20/70 can drive with any examiner

*If best eye is 20/80 or worse, would need to drive with hearing officer (supervisor)

*Would require a drive test anytime eye doctor requests it as well. 


How much does it cost to get a motorcycle instruction permit?

*when adding to an existing license, will be good 4 years and customer will pay  $2/year 

*When getting motorcycle permit only and do not have another type of license, it will be issued for 4 years and cost $14. 

(no renewal permitted)


How long do OWI's stay on someone's record?

12 years. May still have requirements. After requirements are met, will flip to show "OTHER" on record. 


What is the consequence for every traffic violation for a SMRL holder and what will these look like on the driving record?

*3 month suspension

*shows up as a SUS177 on driving record (SUS83 and REV83 will no longer be used)

*must have 6 month clean driving record before upgrading (from time they reinstated)

*3 month dela for eligibility to upgrade to intermediate license. 3 month delay will stack (Ex 6 months for 2 violations, 9 months for 3 violations)

A customer has a current Class A CDL with an airbrake restriction. Customer would like to remove Airbrake restriction. What will they need to do? ELDT? CLP? Knowledge test? Drive test?

Customer does not need to do ELDT. They will need to pass airbrake knowledge test and get issued a CLP for 14 days. Will then need to pass a pre-trip and road test only (skills test not required)


How would you go about scheduling an appointment for a customer who is wanting to do CDL testing and needs an interpreter because they do not speak english?

This isn't possible. All CDL holders must be able to complete the knowledge and skills tests in English. 


When is it okay to not get VLS documents from a VLS customer?

If we have collected them in the last 30 days. 


Can someone with an eluding charge be issued a TRL?

Yes. Unless it is part of a BAR, then they would not be eligible. 


Can a teen use the SMRL for work only if they don't want to drive to school?

Yes. The issuance process is the same regardless of whether they use the SMRL for one or all of the approved purposes. A school official must certify on the affidavit that the student is enrolled in public/private school or is homeschooled. 


How many cones are used when setting up the modernized CDL Skills test? 

17 Cones (21 cones if setting along all 4 corners of front and back stop boxes)


Give 3 examples of what might be considered a "dangerous action" that would fail a driver during a road test.

* Accident is prevented only by defensive driving on part of another driver or evasive action by a pedestrian

* Drive giver has to warn driver of traffic conditions

*Drive giver has to aid in controlling the car by taking hold of the wheel or applying brake

*Drives one or more wheels in a forwrd motion over a curb or sidewalk. (common sense applies for long vehicles)

* Driver stalls car in middle of busy intersection, so as to obstruct traffic
