This hero has an unrivaled hatred for trees.
Who is Timbersaw?
This item allows the user to store runes
What is a Bottle?
This team just recently won the 2024 TI
What is Team Liquid?
The mysterious unknown that hides enemy players or creeps is known as this.
What is Fog of War?
What hero says "Fire and Ice?
Who is Jakiro?
This hero's name is Demnok Lannik
Who is Warlock?
This item is currently in the game, and grants the user ONLY 6 mana regeneration.
What is the Tiara of Selemene?
This is the only team, to have won TI back to back.
Who is OG?
For Tier 2, 3 and 4 Towers Glyph of Fortification provides this many additional targets.
What is 5?
Which hero says "Oh, I love a good slaughter!"
Who is Pudge?
This hero is described as a fundamental part of the universe, and a force older than time.
Who is Io?
This item allows the user to two ranged attacks hit two additional secondary atrgets within a 225 range of the attack.
What is Specialist's Array?
In the TI5 Grand Finals, this echo slam from UNiVeRsE from within the Roshan pit was so tide-turning that its now regarded as this.
What is the 6 Million Dollar Echo Slam?
For the Twin Gates, in order to use it you need at least this much mana
What is 75 mana?
Which hero can say "Jarate!"
Who is Sniper?
This hero is the 120th released hero for Dota 2.
Who is Hoodwink?
This item is an innate for a hero, and grants a stored gold system that accumulated over time and from all deaths, and can be sold whenever.
What is Gris Gris?
The fountain hook, which shocked millions who watched TI 2013 was founded by these two pro players
Who is Dendi, and Puppey?
This is the search range provided by the Ancient to give allied buildings backdoor protection
What is 4000?
Which hero says "Truth compels me"
Who is Anti-Mage?
This hero has the taunt "Taunt : Hang Loose!"
Who is Batrider?
The description for this item is "Devastating."
What is Parasma?
This pro esports team's logo can be described as a white head, with thick glasses within a redish-orangish circle
What is Nouns Esports?
The Ancient has this much armor, without any third-party reduction or buffs
What is 23?
Which hero says "Hold on to your butts!"
Who is Underlord?