What does Moody were on her head?
A mushroom garden.
What word best describes Preppy?
A nuisance
What does Nolla wear to the dance?
A tie die dress
Who is Roses best friend?
Is Molly an introvert?
Why is Moody on the roof?!
Moody where's it in the shower it gets pretty soggy, OOF! She even where's it when shes dancing on top of the roof! OH MY...
What does Preppy do in her free time?
Who is Nolla's best friend?
Trick QESTION... she don't have any...
Who was Rose named after?
Belle from beauty and the beast
Who is Molly's best friend?
What does Moody look like when she gets up?
Like your mom before coffee.
What is the color of Preppy's shirt(s)?
Lilac and hot pink
What are 3 ( elegid) musical numbers in Full moon show down?
1.Lost boy
2. Talking to the moon
3. You can count on me
Does Rose have any freinds before Molly?
What is Mollys favorite hobby?
Who plays Moody?
Adalie Bowers
Who plays Preppy?
Abigail Woodley
Who plays Nolla?
No one knows....
Does Rose have any family?
Yes, her mom and sister?
Why does Molly disobe the city rules?
She doesn't believe they are worth her time
Who is Moodys best freind?
Hello darkness my best friend.....
Who designed Preppy's outfit?
Adalie Bowers
How many memes does Nolla appear?
More than I can count.....
What is Roses favorite flower?
White roses
Does Molly have any crushes?
They totally.....don't.....