When do you double the final consonant of a base word?
We double the final consonant of a base word when:
- The base or final syllable is a stressed syllable, and ends in a consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC)
- The suffix begins with a vowel (e.g. -ish, -ed, -er)
When do you drop the final E in a base word?
Drop the final E if the suffix begins with a vowel.
When do you change the <y> to <i> when adding a suffix?
We change the <y> to an <i> when adding a suffix when:
The base or stem ends in a consonant + <y>
The suffix does not start with an <i>
Give examples of 3 suffixes...
er, est, ly, ing, er, y, ness, less, ed
jump + ing
What is the base word in: sliding
When do you keep the final E in a base word?
Keep the final E before adding a suffix that begins with a consonant.
Example: like + ness = likeness
smile + ed = smiled
When do you keep the <y> in a base word?
Keep the <y> when there is a vowel before the <y> or if the suffix begins with an <i>.
How would I spell this word?
quit + ing
quit + er
What is the base word of these words and what is the rule?
smile - drop the e rule
funny - change the y to i rule
Explain why you don't double the final consonant in these base words? mad + ness ship + ment snow + ing
madness - suffix begins with a consonant. shipment - suffix begins with a consonant. snowing - vowel digraph/long vowel.
Read these words!! What is the suffix?
-able (it means able to)
Write this word with the suffixes -ed, and -ing
write the word happy with THREE different suffixes
ex. happy + er, happy + ness, ...
happier, happiest, happiness
Fill in the blank: When a base word ends in a vowel-consonant-e, drop the _________ before adding a ___(vowel/consonant)__ suffix (hope + ing = hoping).
When a base word ends in a vowel-consonant-e, drop the E before adding a vowel suffix (hope + ing = hoping).
Fill in the blank: When a base word ends in a y, change the _?___ to __?___ when adding a suffix.
Keep the y if a ___________comes before it (player) or if adding a ______________ (cry + ing) = crying.
When a base word ends in a <Y>, change the <Y> to <I> when adding a suffix.
Keep the <Y> if a vowel comes before it (player) or if adding an <I> suffix (cry + ing) = crying.