This form of notes should contain what was done at a meeting rather than what was said.
Coq Au Vin is a dish of this fowl braised with wine and mushrooms.
The headwaters of this river rise within Rocky Mountain National Park.
Colorado River
In 2020, a 62 year old female of this type of snake laid eggs without the help of a male.
These permanent east-west winds are named for their historical importance to commerce.
Founded in 1985, this certification by the Events Industry Council requires the passing of a written exam.
CMP, certified meeting proffessional.
Le Gavroche has served hot monkfish liver with leeks since 1967 on Upper Brooks street in this city.
This hotel, the second oldest in Denver was built in 1892.
Snakes are thought to be evolved from fossorial lizards, meaning lizards that lived here.
This type of rope on a sailing vessel is meant for pulling and raising items like sails, flags and ladders.
This type of seminar indicates a formal discussion and debate of a topic.
These immature fruits are used to make Agrest.
The northern boundary of the Rockies is defined as Liard River in this Province.
British Columbia
The pungi, made from a coconut and two pieces of bamboo is the traditional tool used in this street performance.
Snake Charming
Square sails are supported by the mast and this type of horizontal structure.
Yard or Spar
When served formally, this meal includes four courses and light beverages like white wine and juice.
This dish of pan-fried meat and seasoned sauce is named for the Roman goddess of the hunt.
Steak Diane
This rocky mountain native species is most closely related to giraffe and okapi.
Lampropeltis snakes got their greek name for their shiny armor-like scales and this english name for their habit of eating other snakes.
Catamarans are very resistant to this type of rolling over the longitudinal axis.
This is the minimum number of delegates required to be present for a formal body to proceed with its business.
The five "mother" types of this recipe component were codified by Escoffier.
Located near the city of Alamosa, a national park encompasses North America's tallest of these windswept landforms.
Sand Dunes
Pit vipers have special membranes that can detext this type of radiation emanating from their prey.
This method of steering a sailboat involves bringing the stern of a sail boat through the wind.