This color is the “I” in ROYGBIV
What is Indigo
This is where Hollywood is located
How many days are in a year
What is 365 days
What is the capital of the U.S
What is Washington D.C
This zodiac sign is from December 22 to January 19
What is Capricorn ♑️
This is one of Mangy and Maurangys favorite colors
What is poopy brown, mustard yellow, booger green
This is where the original Lake Lanier is
What is Tallahassee
How many points are in one game of Tennis without ad
What is 4 points
What is the population of people in the U.S
What is 331.9 million
What zodiac sign is from August 23 to September 22
What is Virgo ♍️
What is the most used color
What is blue
This capital is known as the lone star state
What is Austin
Which country has the highest life expectancy
DAILY DOUBLE! what is the smallest state in the US
What is Rhode Island
This zodiac sign is from April 20 to May 20
What is Taurus ♉️
This color is considered lucky in China
What is yellow
DAILY DOUBLE! This capital was the birth place of wine (in the US)
What is Georgia
What word is used the most
What is the
The American flag has had how many versions
What is 27
This zodiac sign is from May 21 to June 20
What is Gemini
Porphyrophobia is the fear of which color
What is purple
This state is the most diverse
What is Hawaii
How many earths can fit inside of the sun
What is 1 million
What bodies of water surround the US?
Atlantic ocean and Pacific Ocean
Which zodiac sign is from February 19 to March 20
What is Pisces