Got teeth?
Comic Strip Characters
Finish the Christmas Song
Presidential sTuff

This is how many teeth adults have, unless they don't brush and floss, then they probably have less.

What is 32 teeth?


This is the most stolen car in the United States. Do your civic duty to prevent thefts!

What is the HOnda Civic?


This lovable, wishy washy guy is the main character of the comic strip Peanuts.

Who is Charlie Brown?


I'll have a blue Christmas without you. I'll be so blue...

What is Thinking about you?


This president's campaign slogan was "Vote Yourself a Farm". He was also the tallest president.

Who is Abraham Lincoln?


While regular soda damages teeth, diet soda does not. True or False?

What is False? The acidic nature of all soda causes extensive damage to teeth.


This car was the worlds first hybrid. There are a couple at Peacehaven!!

What is the Toyota Prius?


This cartoon family lived in Bedrock and had a dinosaur Dino as a pet.

Who are The Flintstones?


Deck the halls with boughs of holly. Falalalalalalalala.

What is Tis the season to be jolly?


This president was the first to be married while in the White House, and the first to have a child born there. The rock and roll Hall of Fame is here.

Who is Grover Cleveland?


This coating on teeth is the hardest substance in the human body, so protect it by brushing with soft brushes because once it is gone, it cannot be replaced.

What is enamel?


This car was launched into space by Elon Musk.

What is a Tesla Roadster?


This cartoon is a caricature of a Jazz Age flapper, combining a large baby-face on the body of a woman, and has mass merchandising surrounding her even today.

Who is Betty Boop?


Joy to the world, the Lord has come...

What is Let earth receive her King?


This president was the first to have a custom car built with bullet proof tires and doors, and inch thick windows, with inner compartments for storage of pistols and sub-machine guns for protection.  His cousin Teddy was also a president, but not as paranoid.

Who is Franklin Delano Roosevelt?


It is recommended that you brush your teeth for this long, but most people only brush for about 45 seconds.

What is two minutes?


This car brands itself as the ultimate driving machine. 

What is BMW?


This mischievous and adventurous 6 year old boy and his stuffed tiger get into a lot of fun and trouble together.

Who are Calvin and Hobbes?


Dashing through the snow, in a one horse open sleigh, o'er the fields we go, laughing all the way...

What is Bells on bob tails ring?


This US president won a Pulitzer Prize in 1957 for his book Profiles in Courage. This book was a biography highlighting instances where US senators risked their careers and stood alone against political pressure for what they believed in.  Six years later he was assassinated.

Who is John Fitzgerald Kennedy?


You should place your tooth in this liquid to preserve it and get to a dentist quickly to have it implanted if you accidently knock it out of your mouth.

What is milk?


This car brand says that it brings Innovation that Excites. Their logo is a symbol of the rising sun.

What is Nissan?


This funny cat cartoon was created in the silent film era. A black cat with a giant grin, he is one of the most recognized characters in film history. 

Who is Felix the Cat?


You know DAsher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen...

What is Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen?


This presidential candidate, and later president, played a rendition of Elvis Presley's Heartbreak Hotel on his saxophone on The Arsenio Hall Show.

Who is Bill Clinton?
