The Book of Mom
Guns and Roses
90s Nostalgia
Not Outlaws but...
A trip down memory lane

Mom has a great memory, except when it comes to these items that would mysteriously disappear periodically...They are still lost to this day

What are the Nintendo games/mario


People purchased more guns during these two years, then any other time in the nations history, maybe they were worried?

what is 2020 and 2021/pandemic


Internet was great! Especially once this website for downloading music was discovered.

What is Limewire?


Shooting each other at Christmas wasn't a least until this person joined the family

Who is Shannon


Airica twisted her knee in the mud while camping this weekend near her house.

What is memorial weekend?


This song became quite popular in the Heiner household, especially in critical situations where one would be sitting vulnerably in the bathroom, awaiting some assistance. 

What is "Bring me some toilet paper"? 

Universally known for giving this, giving yellow roses can give the wrong...or right, message!

What is friendship?


They had birth certificates, and they were supposed to be worth a lot of money one day...guess that didn't pan out

What are beanie babies


Allegedly, the dissection of a guinea pig in science class influenced their future career goals

Who is Tegan


A fun family vacation was had by almost all (Sorry Haylee), when we ventured to these three destinations seven years ago. 

What are Cayman Islands, Rotan (Honduras), and Mexico?


Somebody (Grandpa Heiner) said it couldn't be done, but Dad said otherwise. Raising 4 feet, 9 inches, Grandpa was proven wrong in this year. 

What is 1996


Name this part of the gun

What is the disassembly lever 


#5 on this disc of games was a fun game to play, as long as you could commandeer the computer!

What is castle of the winds?

August is a booming month, with three of the in-laws being born on these days. 

What are the 4th, 8th and 12th?


Don't speed! Especially on the dirt road where this sign was posted for 20+ years

What is the 19 1/2 speed limit sign?


Visiting the Hamblins was a enjoyable time, especially when these treats from Grandpa Hamblin were provided.

What are homemade oatmeal cookies?


Often referred to as "Fairy Petticoats" these flowers may look pretty, but can have deadly effect (or affect) on a person

What are Foxgloves


This computer operating system was released by Microsoft in 1995 and was just the neatest thing 

What is Windows 95


He can sing, he can dance...or at least he has some pretty fancy footwork in this sport. Who is he?  

Who is Brennen


Lots of excitement around here, including betting on when this would fall, whether it would be during Haylee's mission or after...turns out we were all off by a long shot.

What is the branch hung up in the tree?


According to the Books of Mom, homeschooling ended for some of the Heiner kids in this year.

What is 20 (something)


Guns and Roses greatest hit was released in June 1988, topping the US Billboard Hot 100 chart and becoming the band's only US number one single

What is Sweet Child O' Mine? 


A popular show during the 90's, did we ever figure out what Wilson looked like?

What is home improvement?


Starting as a joke, this has quickly become the initiation for the brother in laws...wait, Brad hasn't done it yet??

What is carrying a canoe into Alice Lake

Things in a house of 7 kids can get a little crazy. Thanks to the organization of this chore wheel

Make dinner, bread
