An LCD Soundsystem bop from 2005 is titled this helmeted French duo "Is Playing At My House"
Daft Punk
Local name for the "emerald isle" & one of the Great Lakes
Eire & Erie
I'm doin' okay... you remember the ol' idiom, "fair to" this
It's any long, eventful journey, but it doesn't have to last 10 years
an odyssey
The prominent veining seen here is due to chlorosis caused by a deficiency of this important metallic element
One of these gems known as the De Beers was the centerpiece of the Patiala necklace created by Cartier in the 1920s
a diamond
This reptilian DJ is behind hits like "Turn Down For What" & "Taki Taki"
DJ Snake
A South American capital city founded by Pizarro & a largely desert country of western Africa
Lima & Mali
How do I feel? Comme ci, comme ça, you know... this-this
You are getting very sleepy... your eyelids are getting heavy... I am using this to put you in a trance
It sounds like a Jerry Garcia fan, but it means to prune faded flowers from stems to promote blooming
In Colombia, the color of this gem varies depending on the mine: yellowish green from the Muzo mine, bluish green from the Chivor mine
an emerald
Co-founder of Major Lazer & producer of M.I.A.'s "Paper Planes" & Beyoncé's "Hold Up", are just a few of this man's credits
The "table" city southeast of Phoenix & the seat of Iowa State University
Mesa & Ames
Showing one's indifference, this interjection is called a "bleating" sound & defined as "be it as it may" in a 1928 dictionary
This word for a sudden fear that comes over you is from the name of a Greek god who could cause it
When talking about fertilizer, know the N-P-K ratio & that N-P-K refers to these 3 nutrients
nitrogen, phosphorus & potassium
The most prized of these gems, such as the magnificent Ratnaraj, have come from Myanmar in a color known as pigeon's blood red
a ruby
"Baby Don't Hurt Me" by David Guetta, with an Ed Sheeran writing cred, has been called a modern reimagining of this 1993 Haddaway hit
"What Is Love"
A river that flows through Florence & a Mediterranean port city of Algeria
the Arno & Oran
Everything is just this, meaning pleasant & also a Bowie album with some "Changes"
hunky dory
This shield or breastplate of the gods now means the protection of any powerful entity
the aegis
From Latin for "sprouting forth", it's the process by which seeds begin to grow
Michigan's state gem is Isle Royale greenstone, found on Isle Royale in this lake
Lake Superior
A scientific study suggested mosquitoes bite people less when this artist's EDM song "Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites" is playing
The onetime capital of New Granada & one of the southernmost Caribbean islands
Bogota & Tobago
In the lingo of the 1930s or so, it's an adjective meaning fine & dandy or a noun meaning a dressed-up gentleman
a swell
A woman of stately beauty is sometimes described by this 9-letter adjective, after the Roman queen of the gods
The Denver Water Dept. gets credit for coining this late-in-the-alphabet word for gardening that uses little water
At 10,363 carats or 4.6 pounds, the world's largest cut aquamarine is the Dom Pedro, found in this country in the 1980s