Charles Spurgeon
House Council
Movie Trivia

Spurgeon has been referred to by many names however none more famous than this title.

What is Prince of Preachers?


Moving, heaving, and digging up rocks is this House leader's favorite rainy day activity

Who is Maria Chizek 


This unique organ helps to regulate the body's temperature and it's also happens to be the largest organ. 

What is the skin?


A complicated spy thriller about lemon cars starting an alternative fuel conspiracy to drive more business into the oil and gas industry.  

What is Cars 2?


Although the average age of pastors is currently in the mid-50s, Spurgeon had preached over 600 sermons before this age.

What is 20 years old?


This House leader has 14 nieces and nephews, with the youngest arriving just last week during the Foosball Tournament.

Who is David Kruize? 


In Genesis 2, It is recorded that God took a rib out of Man and used it to create women, and although there has been speculation that men and women have a different number of ribs because of this, they share this same number.

What is 24?


In the Lego Batman movie, Batman creates this very unique secret password.

What is Alfred Dabuttler? (with 2 tts)


When Spurgeon passed in 1896, he had been happily married for 36 years to this beautiful women whom he loved very much.

Who is Susannah Thompson? (or Spurgeon) 


This house leader’s parents had to get them a pet hamster so that they would stop collecting snails and frogs

Who is Ana Nelkin?


Hurricane Ian landed in the State of FL. during RBC's Fall semester which resulted in a week off of classes for students due to it being this Category Hurricane, the first in FL. since 2019.

What is Category 5


In the famous morning scene of ELF, Buddy creates his iconic plate of spaghetti and uses this flavor of Pop-Tarts, as one of his ingredients.

What is Chocolate?


The impact that Charles Spurgeon had on the world should not be taken lightly as it is estimated that he preached to around this number of people in his lifetime. (Answer in millions)

What is 10,000,000? (10 Million people)


This House leader has received a signed letter from former United States President Barack Obama during his Presidency.

Who is Abigail Reed


An oath of ethics taken by doctors named after this Ancient Greek physician

Who is Hippocrates? 


The first movie adaptation of the classic Chronicle of Narnia series entitled, The Lion, the Witch, and Wardrobe was released in early spring of this year

What is 2008


Throughout his lifetime, Charles Spurgeon wrote around 150 books, however, his first book will forever be this book, published in 1849 

What is Poetry Unmasked?


At one point this House leader was named under the top 50 competitive players worldwide for one of the Pokemon video games.

Who is Raphael?  


SCUBA was a term coined back in 1952 by U.S. Major Christian J. Lambertsen which stands for this. 

What is Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus?


Although the 1965 Sound of Music with Julie Andrews was a largely historically inaccurate adaptation of the Von Traps real life, it did become the highest-grossing movie of all time for five years surpassing this famous southern romance movie that had previously held the honor for 24 years.

What is Gone with the Wind?
