Don't touch. It's DESIGNer
watch and observe
Test questions
Test questions pt 2
Test questions pt3

Similar participants are put together

What is Matched Pairs Design?


Activities recorded in an observation

What is behavioral categories?

Kalani is conducting a study to investigate classical conditioning and operant conditioning. His aim is to test which type of conditioning produces the fastest learning.

What's a two tailed hypothesis

There will be a difference in learning speed between tasks learned by operant and by classical conditioning


The hypothesis for a study is ‘Adults with children worry more than adults without children’.

State whether this is a directional hypothesis or a non-directional hypothesis. Include a reason for your answer.

Directional hypothesis because ________


Explain a way to use volunteer sampling in a study

Email, verbal request, advertisement, post, online


Separate groups are used for each IV

What is Independent Measures Design?


The two roles played by an observer in an observational study? (Now you see me, now you don't)

Overt or covert


an experimental study to compare how, and how often, men and women look at themselves in a shop window. She plans to collect quantitative data using observations and will calculate a median.

What is the IV

Gender/ male and females


The hypothesis for a study is ‘Adults with children worry more than adults without children’.

Turn it into a null hypothesis

There's no difference between worrying in adults with and/or without children


What's an advantage of using random sampling instead of volunteer sampling

Removes bias, generalizable, more representative


Each participant performs in every level of the IV

What is repeated measures design?


A study in which the observer records only a limited range of behaviors

What is a structured observation?


an experimental study to compare how, and how often, men and women look at themselves in a shop window. She plans to collect quantitative data using observations and will calculate a median.

What is the experimental design?

Experimental/ or Independent measures


Describe the ethical guideline of deception and use an example

Providing misinformation for failing to inform participants

Any example


How can you operationalist the action 'jump'

ex. leaving the ground/ both feet off the ground/ being in the air 


Bandura's laboratory experiment's design involved both Matched Participants and _____ _____ when testing the different levels of the IV.

Independent Measures


The Milgram experiment was an example of this observation

What is a controlled observation?


Explain these results and correlation

There is a negative correlation. As Ice cream sales increase, hot chocolate sales decrease


Shula is investigating whether there are differences in the way that younger and older people behave when they see each other. She is using observations to record the following behaviours: • smiling • waving • shouting. Explain whether Shula is conducting a structured observation or an unstructured observation.

Structured BECAUSE she is using behavior categories


Gregor thinks that variables other than where a person works could influence their feelings and he is therefore using a matched pairs design. Suggest two variables that would be relevant for matching participants in this study.

Same type of job, position, age, gener, intelligence, social class, pay, working hours


Andrade (doodling) was an example of this experimental design

What is repeated measures design?


An observer in a social setting who is a part of it and may engage in concersation with adults or play with children

What is a participant observer?


Explain the results and correlation

There is no correlation between monthly income and body weight


Shula is investigating whether there are differences in the way that younger and older people behave when they see each other. She is using observations to record the following behaviours: • smiling • waving • shouting

Explain why it would be better for Shula to conduct a covert observation than an overt observation.

Participants will behave normally


Mahi is studying the effect of music on emotions. In part of her study she is collecting data from 20 participants about their emotional responses to songs. Anger is one of the emotional categories observed.

How can she operationalize anger

Frowning/ yelling
