Heat Transfer Operations

Which blood type would not be possible for a child of a type AB mother and a type A father?

What is O?


This sitcom character is considered as a famous singer by it's fan community compared to Taylor Swift.

Who is Phoebe Buffay/Lisa Kudrow ?


He is the first incarnation of Lord Vishnu in Treta Yuga, he was also present during Lord Rama’s era. He was also present during Lord Krishna’s era. He also fought his own student for justice.

Who is Parshuram ?


The maximum rate heat transfer rate is observed at this radius

What is the Critical Radius/Thickness of Insulation?


This is the latest anime to become fan favorite. This also won the best animation award for its last season. In the anime there are different ranks assigned to corps who slay demons, Hashira being highest. One of the Hashira loses his arm while fighting Daki and Gyutaro. In which arc did this happen?

What is the Entertainment District Arc?


The major pigment in algae of the class rhodophyceae which are mostly found in marine habitats with abundance in the warmer areas 

What is Phycoerythrin ?


The Light House marks an important event in the series, as the lead character gets successfully married finally. Name the lead character. [Hint: His bestfriend is “AWESOME”]

Who is Ted Mosby ?


Lord Krishna was playing flute on a tree during his last moments when a hunter shot an arrow, and it caused his death. The hunter was reincarnation/rebirth of “someone”, and it is claimed as Lord Krishna died due to karma from his past life. Name someone.

Who is Bali/Vanar-Raj Bali ?


Due to this factor the overall heat transfer conductance as well as the overall heat transfer coefficient decreases

What is the Dirt/Fouling Factor?


This Pokémon was new to the Pokémon world so the pokedex couldn’t provide any information. Ash and his friends find the unhatched egg of this Pokémon and Misty befriends it for the rest of their journey. Later, in the anime this Pokémon evolves and due to certain reasons, it parts its way and joins its own kind for a better future. This Pokémon is considered a psychic type. Name the evolved form of the Pokémon.

What is Togetic?


This enzyme polymerizes RNA with defined sequences in a template independent manner ?

What is Polynucleotide phosphorylase ?


This series was meant to describe a different story, but due to its controversial ending critics address it by replacing its last word by 2 other words.

What is How I met your mother ?


When the Pandavas were gathering strength and army for the Mahabharata battle, they went to him. He denied join the battle, as he claimed if he’ll join the battle will be over within seconds and decided to sit on top of one of the Pandavas’ chariots. Name him.

Who is Hanuman Ji/Lord Hanuman ?


 It is a simple model that is designed to find out the heat transfer of such bodies that don’t show any temperature gradient

What is the Lumped Heat Capacity Model?


Naruto always said he’d surpass all the previous hokages. In the 4th great ninja war their was a funny incident when Kurama accepts that naruto did surpass all the past hokages in a certain way and teased him. In what did naruto surpassed the previous hokages?

What is stupidity?


If two white sheep produce a black offspring the parents genotype for a color must be?

What is heterozygous?


He kissed a sister of his flatmate and forgot. Who's he.[Hint:'Oh my eyes']

What is Chandler?


The death of this ruler tensed the kingdom of Hastinapur as he left no heir to the throne. This was the very beginning of the whole story.

Who is Vichitravirya?


These are the extensions that are added to the surface of a heat exchanger to improve heat transmission by increasing the effective surface area exposed to the environment

What are Fins?


Vegeta in the recent volumes of manga surpasses his own previous transformation. He always wanted to get stronger than Mastered Ultra-Instinct Goku. This transformation can be achieved by training with God of Destructions only. Name this form of Vegeta.

What is Ultra Ego Vegeta?


The structure was first discovered by her in laboratory through X-ray photo but later on two scientist stolen the idea and proposed the theory about the discovery and received noble prize in 1950s. Who is the lady scientist.

Who is Rosalind Franklin ?


The iconic story of this series started with stealing some musical instrument from the restaurant after their first date. Name the thing stolen.

What is Blue French horn?


He wanted to save help his son to win against his biggest rival, thus he asked for a huge help from his son’s rival. Later, as he was impressed by that brave person’s helping nature, he gifted that person with his own son’s near-death reason. Later, that gift became the reason of death for his son’s brother’s son. Who gave the gift?

Who is Lord Indra ?


This is the fraction of radiation energy radiated by one surface that is incident on another surface when both surfaces are placed in a non-absorbing medium

What is the Shape Factor?


There was a villain in Naruto Shippuden, who killed people as offerings to the god. He was a cult practice user and can harm anyone else by harming himself. He does this by tasting the blood of his opponent once. Who is the villain?

Who is Hidan?
