All S is M
All M is P
Therefore all S is P
What is a Categorical Syllogism?
U/ | U/ | U/ | U/ | U/ is this meter
What is Iambic Pentameter.
'We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal' comes from this famous document.
What is the Declaration of Independance?
'Mighty and' this
What is Dreadful?
The Ugly Duckling is an example of this logical argument.
What is a Fable?
'If, then' arguments in syllogistic form are known as this.
What are Hypothetical Syllogisms?
A line with one foot is known as this.
What is Monometer?
"I have a dream" are the famous words of this famous speaker.
Who Is Martin Luther King Junior?
'Thou art a slave to' these four things.
What are Fate, Chance, Kings, and Desperate Men?
This fallacy misrepresents the argument of an opponent.
What is the Straw Man fallacy?
The phrase 'You can't teach an old dog new tricks' is one of these.
What is a Maxim?
This is a stanza with 8 lines.
Sojourner Truth famously made this speech on the topic of women's rights.
What is "Ain't I A Woman?"
'Rest and sleep' are these of Death
What are Pictures?
This is the fallacy that appeals to fear.
What is Ad Baculum.
The Allegory of the Cave is one of these logical appeals.
What is an Analogy?
// | // | // is this kind of meter
What is Spondeic Trimeter
This British politician made the speech 'Iron Curtain.'
'One short' one of these, 'and we wake eternally'
What is sleep
This is the faculty of finding the available means of persuasion.
What is Rhetoric?
This is a formal argument using either or.
What is a Disjunctive Syllogism.
This is a stanza with four lines
This Pope made the speech 'Enter upon the Road to the Holy Sepulcher'
Who is Pope Unban II
What are, Poison, War, and Sickness?
This Sixteenth century poet wrote Death Be Not Proud.
Who is John Donne?