It needs to be room Temperature
How she likes her butter
What does she not give her children
Another place she would consider living
Honolulu, Hawaii
Favorite activity when younger and the song she loved to do it to
Roller skating, YMCA
About 4 cubes
How much ice she likes with her coke
If frustrated with a company, what she claims she is going to do
What is write a letter
The job that her dad had in Nogales
Custom's agent
First car she owned
49' mercury (used) for $800.00
Favorite TV show
What is Mary Tyler Moore
How to cut the cheese
Thin slices, never thick
Phrase she has stolen from Grandma
I don't feel the least bit sorry for you
Strange name she would holler when needing one of her children
The religion she baptized
Favorite subject in school
What she complains about most
Being too hot or too cold
She says this when everyone else is talking
I don't get a chance to talk
She packed these when preparing to evacuate the big fire in 1970?
Encyclopedias and newly purchased lamp with two side lights
What Neil said to her when he first saw her after his deployment
Your eyes are blue?
This root vegetable she hated most
Cooked carrots
What she says when she thinks something is stupid
Oh Piffle!
How is it that her brother Kirk could have killed himself, her and brother Frank
Playing with electricity and water
Worst trouble she ever got into
Bleached her hair blonde when she was a teenager
Genre of TV she hates most