What is the best selling Game Ever
First man to apparently ever step on the moon
pickles start off as what vegetable
What was Mickey mouse first ever words
Hot Dog
what rapper is also the same name as a famous candy brand
Who is the pet / sidekick of Mario and Lugigi
what was the first ever human civilization
What is the deepest ocean trench
Mariana Trench
what was the first Pixar movie
Toy story
Who from Louisa Kentucky won American idol
Naoh Thompson
What 1996 video game kicked off a long-running film and game franchise and eleveated the "horror" genre of video games into the mainstream?
Resident Evil
In which year was jfk asassinated
What is the largest island in the world
how many fingers does Mickey have
what is the most listened to music genre in the world
Hip Hop
In January 2021, a short squeeze orchestrated by Reddit users caused a skyrocketing of the price of what retail chain that sells video games and consumer electronics?
What was the shortest war ever
England and Zanzibar
where is Stonehenge
Wiltshire England
how long was sthe genie stuck in the bottle in Aladin
What was the most listened to song in 2024
Birds of a feather by billie ellish
what are the top 3 best selling video games Oat
Minecraft Gta Tetris
The Ptolemy dynasty ruled which ancient kingdom?
How many legs does a crab have
What year did Disneyland open
Who is the only country artist to have a Top 20 hit on the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart for six straight decades?
Dolly PArton