Millennial: Ash Ketchum is the main protagonist in which show?
What is Pokémon
What sport does Serena Williams play?
What is Tennis
What was Jesus's first miracle?
What is turning water into wine
This movie follows a girl named Katniss that tries to survive a battle royale death match
What is The Hunger Games
Who invented the lightbulb
Who is Thomas Edison
Baby Boomers: In 1956, Elvis Presley made his film debut in _____.
What is Love Me Tender?
Where were the 2022 Winter Olympics held?
Where is Beijing, China
What is water
This movie follows a young man named Thomas after he is put into the "Glade" which is surrounded by 4 huge walls
What is The Maze Runner
Who invented the telephone?
Who is Alexander Graham Bell
Gen Z: This British artist uses a loop pedal and is most famously known for his songs like "Thinking Out Loud" and "Perfect".
Who is Ed Sheeran
How many holes are on a golf course?
What is 18
How many people did Jesus resurrect from the dead?
What is 3
This horror films follows a man named Jack after he becomes a winter caretaker at the Overlook Hotel.
Who invented the type writer?
Who is Christopher Latham Sholes
Traditionalists: What is another name for this generation?
What is Silent Generation?
Which sport was the first to be broadcasted on national TV?
What is baseball
At about what age did Jesus perform his first miracle?
What is around 30
This movie is taken place during WW2 when Bruno and his family leave Berlin to where Bruno then finds a boy behind barbed wire
What is The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Who invented Wifi?
Who is Hedy Lamarr or George Antheil
Gen X: What is ET's favorite candy?
What are Reese's Pieces?
What is a soccer field called?
What is a pitch
What was Jesus's last miracle?
What is healing of the ear of the high priest's servant
This movie follows a farmhand named Westley, accompanied by friends, must save his true love Princess Buttercup from the odious Prince Humperdinck.
What is The Princess Bride
Who invented the car?
Who is Karl Benz