Where cheese is made &
where thoughts are jotted
dairy & diary
Spain's Cortes, or parliament, meets in this city
Debuting in 1932, a font designed for a London newspaper was called times new this
In Olympic gymnastic events, it precedes "all-around men" & "all-around women"
Book about Bligh & Fletcher Christian & job pursuing criminals for reward as a gonzo journalist of note
Mutiny on the Bounty Hunter S. Thompson
In 1990, this trio had back-to-back No. 1s with their first two singles, "Hold On" & "Release Me"
Wilson Phillips
A real test of character, perhaps by fire, &
to put in more ammo
ordeal & reload
According to legend, this second-largest city was founded by Hamilcar Barca around 230 B.C.
California’s 3rd and Texas 3th district make the A; Ohio’s 12th and 7th districts make the B, and Connecticut’s 1st district is the C in a new font called Ugly Gerry in which “Gerry” stands for this partisan process
This invention sped up the flow of news from behind the beyond; in 2001, this one sent the only real-time images of U.S. surveillance personnel being freed from China
a videophone
Nation's top lawyer & a poultry dish named for a mighty Chinese military man combine for some truly illegible handwriting
ttorney General Tso's chicken scratch
Sinéad O'Connor's "Nothing Compares 2 U" was written by him
3 responses:
showy fall flower,
shocking weapon &
fixed gaze
aster, taser & stare
No bull! This city's first bishop was San Fermin
French for "without", it can come in front of serif or after comic in the name of fonts
This "botanical" interchange is where 2 highways meet
a cloverleaf
Timeless Tevye tune that mentions Superman's nickname & his favorite type of abrasive scouring pad
"If I Were A Rich Man Of Steel Wool"
This Savage Garden hit is sometimes called "TMD" for short
"Truly Madly Deeply"
To support &
a marine creature with edible claws
bolster & lobster
A 2,000-year-old Roman aqueduct serves as a symbol of this city that shares its name with a famous guitarist
Get that liberated feeling with this script, also a swimming stroke
freestyle front
The gangster who actually moves his finger to carry out a hit while the guy who planned it might be elsewhere
a triggerman
"Madama Butterfly" heroine crooning in Costa Rica's capital with a glass of gold tequila from a well-known brand
Cio-Cio-San Jose Cuervo
"The things you say, your purple prose just give you away, the things you say, you're" this title from EMF
A physical reaction to a substance &
a place to hang art
allergy & gallery
This home of El Greco is famous for its fine steel swords
The font for this historic book printed in 1455 has come to be known as textura
the Gutenberg Bible
This term for a shabbily clothed, dirty child is the name of a demon in the poem "Piers Plowman"
Taylor Swift's record-breaking concert series is both a feat of skill & a French term in a contract for an act of God
the Eras Tour de Force Majeure
Sharing its title with an earlier, more upbeat Huey Lewis hit, it was No. 1 for Céline Dion in 1994
"The Power Of Love"