"Pack in the mail its gone"
What is Suge?
Lionel Messi recently signed a major deal with this team.
What is PSG?
ChArAcTeR wHo'S mEmE iNvOlVeD tExT lIkE tHiS
Who is Spongebob?
What is a Strawberry?
"Do you remember, 21st night..."
What is September?
This NBA center was left off of the NBA's top 75 all-time list recently despite being an 8 time all star and 3 time DPOY.
Who is Dwight Howard?
A Hudson classic involving oddly placed Minecraft mobs.
What is Pig on the roof?
This dried fruit is a common ingredient in carrot cake.
What are raisins?
Old Incan citadel built in the mountains of Peru.
What is Machu Picchu?
"Pull up in a demon on God, lookin' like I still do fraud"
What is ZEZE?
Led the NFL in sacks after week 1 but has yet to record a sack since
Who is Chandler Jones?
Bröther may I have söme öf these
What are öats?
This fruit is the national bird of a far south-eastern country.
What is a Kiwi?
Temple in Greece dedicated to the Goddess Athena.
What is the Parthenon?
"Jesus freaks, out in the street, handing tickets out for God"
What is Tiny Dancer?
This number represents a perfect passer rating in the NFL
What is 153.9?
An animal spelled with 3 letters?
What is an alligator?
While carrots today are bright and orange, originally, carrots were this color.
What is purple?
What is the Kremlin?
"Cause you're fine and you're mine, and you look so divine"
What is Come and get your love?
This man would have the largest sports betting payout ever of over 25 million dollars if his bet of the Astros winning the world series hits.
Who is Mattress Mack?
Term used to categorize foods such as pumpkins, squash, and cucumbers that are known for having a hollow shell
What are gourds?
Site featuring thousands of clay soldiers in China.
What is the Terracotta Army?