Friend of the Phoenix
King ASA
Theta Chi Founders day
March 29th 2014
Represented by Jesus Christ
Spiritual Dedication
World Largest movement dedicated to promoting respect, acceptance, and inclusion for people with intellectual disabilities.
Special Olympics
Represented in our coat-of-arms and in the name of our national magazine
The Phoenix
Doctor and friend of the youth
Sint Valentine
Wear Crimson in gold ribbons to celebrate loyalty and being social; Feb 14th
Valentines Day
Represented by King ASA
Social Dedication
Support the educational, leadership and philanthropic purposes of ASA through charitable giving.
The ASA Foundation
Represents the leadership attained and the name of recognition given to our alumnae.
The Crown
Scientific and artistic accomplishments
Wear crimson and green ribbons with badge to represent loyalty and immortality; Dec 25th
Christmas Day
Intellectual Dedication
Annually takes place the First week of October where members set aside time to support local organizations and causes through hands-on-service.
DOT Days/ Donate Our Time
Represents the sturdy development.
The Palm Tree
Message was "agape" meaning accepting love from one another.
Jesus Christ
Wear green and white ribbons to represent fellowship and victory; May 25th
Hermes Day
Represented by Saint Valentine
Physical Dedication
Learning Program for females 3rd-8th grade, Their Aim is to empower young women to celebrate their bodies, honor their voices, and embrace they gifts.
Girls on the Run
Represents the aspirations of ASA to live up to the ideals of the sorority.
The Star