Articles of Confederation
The President
Constitutional Convention
Wild Card
These grants provide states with federal money with few restrictions on how the funds are used.
What are block grants
This uprising of Revolutionary War veterans demonstrated the ineptness of the Articles of Confederation in meeting such a challenge.
What is Shay's Rebellion
This Constitutional amendment established term limits on the office of the President.
What is the 22nd Amendment
This decided the issue of the representation of slaves in the distribution of seats in the population based House of Representatives
What is the 3/5 Compromise
A group of poor farmers, inspired by the language of the Declaration of Independence which encouraged the overthrowing of tyranical governments, led this
What is Shay's Rebellion
Under this type of system, the most common in the world today, power is concentrated in one central government.
What is unitary
A primary economic issue under the Articles of Confederation was the lack of a common currency which instead allowed each state to do this.
What is print money
An important foreign policy power of the President is the ability to make treaties with foreign leaders but these are subject to approval of this
What is the Senate
This Plan called for continued equal reprentation in the new national legislature.
What is the new Jersey Plan
The Articles of Confederation featured this type of legislature, unlike our bicameral Congress today.
What is unicameral
In this type of federalism, different levels of government possess their own distinct powers.
What is dual federalism (layer cake)
Under the Articles, the central government lacked the power to do this, preventing it from responding effectively to civil unrest.
What is the inability to maintain a national army
He was the only President to resign from office.
Who is Richard Nixon
This Plan, focused strictly on population based representation, would have created a legislature dominated by large states.
What is the Virginia Plan
A chief duty of the Vice President is to preside over the Senate in this capacity.
What is President of the Senate
This requires states to return individuals accused of a crime to the state where that crime was committed.
What is extradition
Radically different from the government of today, the Articles resulted in a government where power was found mainly here
What are the states
Winning the White House requires earning a minimum of 270 votes under this system.
What is the Electoral College
Following the Convention, this group argued in favor of the strong federal government the new framework created.
Who are the Federalists
Litigants in any court case consist of the defendant who is being accused of guilt or liability and this, which must prove standing to sue.
What is the plaintiff.
This states that any powers not delegated to the federal government are reserved to the states.
What is the 10th amendment
The shortcomings of the Articles proved to be too much, as this meeting was called for by the larger and more powerful states to address the issues at hand.
What is the Constitutional Convention
The President is aided by this group, consisting of the heads of all Executive agencies and other members appointed at the discretion of the President.
What is the cabinet.
The Great Compromise, resolving the dispute over representation in the Congress, was offered by the delegation from this State
What is Connecticut
This is a system of shared power between different levels of governments.
What is federalism