Handling Conflict
Standing up for what you believe.
Overcoming Peer Pressure

Here’s a version incorporating the Beatitudes:

You’re working on a group project, and two members aren't doing their part. Worried about failing, instead of gossiping or complaining, you decide to reach out to them individually, offering help and guidance to get the project back on track.  


What are being merciful and peacemakers?


During lunch, some students start making fun of a classmate for their religious beliefs. Even though you know it might ruin your reputation or they might start making fun of you, you speak up and defend their right to believe what they do, standing firm in your own values.

What are Persecuted for Christ's name’s sake and Peacemakers.


You are at a party that has alcohol and your friend offers you a drink they say is “the best” but you know it contains alcohol. You politely decline, explaining that you don't drink, but your friends keep pressuring you to drink and start making fun of you. You hold your ground and don't give in and leave the party.

What are hunger and thirst after righteousness and pure in heart? 


You notice that your close friend has been skipping meals and making negative comments about their body. Concerned for their health, you try to talk to them about it. However, they deny having a problem and become defensive. You continue to show compassion, offering your support and encouraging them to seek help, despite their resistance.

What are being merciful, pure in heart and meek?


In a group chat, tempers flare as people exchange insults and begin making threats. Rather than escalating the situation, you calmly recommend moving the conversation offline or speaking privately, encouraging everyone to remain respectful.

What are peacemakers and meekness?


A group of classmates suggests sharing answers for an upcoming test. Despite the pressure, you refuse to participate and explain why you want to stay honest and earn your grade fairly.

What are pure in heart and hunger and thirst after righteousness.


During a major exam, you notice your friend looking at someone else's paper and urging you to do the same. You refuse and explain that you want to do well on your own, no matter the outcome. This leads to an argument, but you stand your ground.

What are pure in heart and persecuted for righteousness' sake?


A friend confides in you about their struggle with depression, mentioning that they often feel hopeless and overwhelmed. They express thoughts of not wanting to continue with life. You feel a deep sense of concern and know it’s critical to take their feelings seriously. You encourage them to talk to a trusted adult or mental health professional while offering to support them through the process, even if they resist or feel ashamed.

What are being merciful, peacemakers and poor in spirit?


Two of your close friends are no longer speaking because of a misunderstanding. You privately talk to each of them, help them understand each other’s feelings, and encourage them to resolve their differences peacefully.

What are Peacemakers and Poor in spirit?


At a school event, your friends pressure you to wear something that goes against your personal standards of modesty. Even though they tease you for your choice, you stand firm in dressing modestly, true to your beliefs.

What are pure in heart and poor in spirit?


Your friends suggest skipping class to go hang out at the mall. You feel tempted but ultimately decide to stay in school, telling them you need to prioritize your education and encouraging them to join you.

What is hunger and thirst after righteousness and poor in spirit?


During a particularly challenging time, you feel the pressure to engage in unhealthy coping mechanisms, like substance use or self-harm, suggested by friends who also struggle. Despite feeling isolated, you choose to reach out for professional help instead and encourage your friends to consider healthier options, even if it means distancing yourself from them.

What are hunger and thirst for righteousness, persecuted for righteousness' sake and meekness?


You feel frustrated because you believe your teacher unfairly marked your assignment. Instead of confronting them in anger, you respectfully approach the teacher after class to discuss the grade calmly and seek clarification.

What are meek and poor in spirit?


A group of friends starts gossiping about someone who isn't there. Even though you don’t want to feel left out, you stand up and say that it’s wrong to talk behind someone's back, encouraging everyone to stop.

What are peacemakers and merciful?


During a heated discussion, some classmates mock your beliefs and pressure you to change your views to fit in. They insist that everyone thinks the same way and try to ridicule you into conforming. You calmly but firmly stand your ground, explaining your beliefs and why they matter to you, despite facing ridicule.

What are persecuted for Christ's name's sake and meekness. 


You notice that several of your friends have stopped attending church and are expressing doubts about their faith. They pressure you to join them in their views, which conflict with your beliefs. You feel torn but choose to stand firm in your faith, respectfully sharing your beliefs while remaining open to discussing their feelings without judgment.

What are persecuted for Christ's name's sake, meekness and pure in heart?


After losing a game, your teammates start blaming each other for mistakes. Instead of letting the argument escalate, you remind the team that everyone worked hard and encourage them to stay positive and united.

What are peacemakers and meek?


You witness someone being bullied for being different. Even though others are staying silent, you speak up, defend them, and encourage others to show kindness and acceptance.

What are persecuted for Christ's name sake and pure in heart.


You learn that a close friend is engaging in risky behavior—such as using drugs or engaging in dangerous activities—and your other friends want you to keep it a secret, saying it’s "not your business." You feel torn between loyalty to your friend and the need to do what’s right. Standing firm, you decide to confront your friend about their behavior, encouraging them to seek help, even if it jeopardizes your friendship or makes you feel isolated from your peer group.

What are pure in heart and persecuted for righteousness'' sake?


After sharing your faith and beliefs, you find that some of your classmates are distancing themselves from you. They tease you for being "too religious" and question your choices. Despite feeling lonely, you continue to stand firm in your beliefs, reaching out to others who may be struggling with their faith as well, offering them support and friendship.

What are persecuted for Christ's name's sake, poor in spirit and peacemakers?
