What is you love
this is the name you were called if you lived on the via sacra
a. stupid b. sacravienses
c. via sacrians d. sacrivites
What is b. sacravienses
vita, vitae (f)
what is life
Ursa nautam laudat
what is the bear praises the sailor
I am a queen
What is sum regina
what is y'all teach
this is what the god Saturn did to all his children except Jupiter
a. killed them b. sent them away
c. ate them d. enslaved them
What is c. ate them
dea, deae (f)
what is goddess?
puellam amamus
What is we love the girl
The girl sees the poet
puella poetam videt
what is we warn
According to legend, this man was the first king of Rome.
a. Numa Pompilius b. Proca
c. Remus d. Romulus
What is d. Romulus
ambulo, ambulare
what is to walk
Camelus et crocodilus pugnant.
the camel and the croc fight
you love the hippos
hippopotamos amas.
what is I praise
This palace housed Rome;s chief priest
a. regia pontificis b. temple of Romulus
c. mansiones d. temple of Vesta
What is a regia pontificis
fabula, ae (f)
what is story
puellae deas laudant.
the girls praise the goddesses
the camels teach math
math = arithmetica, ae (f)
cameli arithmeticam docent.
what is they carry
These were small city run hotels where travelers could stay
a. mansiones b. mutationes
c. stationarii d. beneficiarii
What is a. mansiones
moneo, monere
what is warn, advise
sumus agricolae
we are farmers
the girls see a panther in the forest.
puellae pantheram in silva vident.