How about instead of Jeopardy?
We go on a Eurotrip
Splurge on some Name Brand goods
Sing a Good Song
And do some Sightseeing

Come on down! This long-running price guessing game show was hosted by Bob Barker for 35 years. Amusingly it is now directed by Adam Sandler.

What is The Price is Right?


A good first stop would be this Scandinavian country, the most Northerly part of Continental Europe and home to the Nobel Peace Prize...though weirdly not the other Nobel prizes...those belong to Sweden.

What is Norway?


Roger Federer is a spokesmen for this Swiss watch maker, probably because he's one of the only people who can afford one. They can easily cost hundreds of thousands of dollars...I think I'd rather buy a fake one for 30, thank you.

What is Rolex?


"You think you've got it,
Oh, you think you've got it,
But got it just don't get it 'til there's nothin' at!"

What is Hey Ya (OutKast)?


"Old Faithful" is a famous geyser at this national park mostly situated in Wyoming. It's home to many bears, but alas not Yogi...that's Jellystone Park.

What is Yellowstone National Park?


Is that your final answer? This quiz show's name is a rhetorical question. I mean who wouldn't want to be one? Maybe they needed to phone a friend first.

What is Who Wants to be a Millionaire?


Next stop would be here. Even though its residents voted in 2014 to stay united, this country within a country furiously fought wars for its independence against neighboring England for hundreds of years. FREEDOOOOM!

What is Scotland?


This French brand's "No. 5" perfume is over a hundred years old and still sold today. Coco has barely changed the bottle in that time.

What is Chanel?


"Come on now, who do you, who do you, who do you, who do you think you are?
Ha ha ha, bless your soul,
You really think you're in control,"

What is Crazy (Gnarls Barkley)?


This French-built statue, partly designed by Gustave Eiffel, overlooks the Atlantic Ocean and was carved to represent the Roman goddess of freedom.

What is the Statue of Liberty?





Let's hop aboard the Orient Express. Last stop is in the ancient capital of the Byzantine empire in this country. I'm sure the Thanksgiving jokes haven't gotten old at all.

What is Turkey?


This best-selling Scotch Whiskey in the world comes in different colored grades. It goes Red-Black-Green-Gold-Blue, and a single shot of Blue can buy you several bottles of Red. Just the label, of course, the whiskey's still amber colored.

What is Johnnie Walker?


"And as the flames climbed high into the night,
To light the sacrificial rite,
I saw Satan laughing with delight,
The day the music died."

What is American Pie (Don McLean)?





This vote-them-off-the-island show's first season came out in 2000, the same year as Cast Away, and predated Bear Grylls fame as well.

What is Survivor?


Next, lets head to the Alps and this neutral country, traditionally famous for its banks, guards, cheese...and the CERN Large Hadron Collider. So if a black hole suddenly consumes the planet, you'll know who to point at.

What is Switzerland?


This Italian luxury fashion house was founded in 1921 in Tuscany. It's become so synonymous with quality, that according to Merriam-Webster, when used in a sentence it's name can mean "Fancy, very fashionable; good, great, excellent."

What is Gucci?


"With the lights out, it's less dangerous,
Here we are now, entertain us!
I feel stupid and contagious,
Here we are now, entertain us!"

What is Smells Like Teen Spirit (Nirvana)?


Antipater of Sidon (I've heard of him, who says they haven't?) coined the term "Seven Wonders of the Ancient World" back in 140 BC. Unfortunately, six of the wonders are now gone. This one, largest and oldest of the originals, is the only one left, alongside other smaller tombs which have also survived.

What is the Great Pyramid of Giza?


Out of the combined 42 seasons of this rose-giving show or its spinoff, there are only 14 couples still standing. That's a success rate of 1 in 3 for winning contestants...might've had more luck on Tinder.

What is the Bachelor? (or the Bachelorette)


Hiddily-ho neighborino! Let's cross the English channel and then take the train to neighboring Flanders in this country! We can get some sprouts, waffles, and chocolate while visiting the EU's headquarters. Okilly Dokilly!

What is Belgium?


This expensive champagne was named after a Benedictine monk. Bottles of the 1959 and 1996 vintages can cost you fifty grand. That's a lot of money for some sparkling wine.

What is Dom Pérignon?


"-is it me you're looking for?
I can see it in your eyes,
I can see it in your smile,
You're all I've ever wanted,
and my arms are open wide."

What is Hello (Lionel Ritchie)?


It's no secret that this massive waterfall in southern Africa is over a mile wide and nearly twice as tall as the one in Niagara, though weirdly not connected to the huge lake of the same name.

What is Victoria Falls?
